Chapter Six

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08:23am, Art class, Van Gogh

Today was the day John and I had to hand in our project or present it to the class. The teacher was like that she doesn't really tell us till last minute because she knows we'll try to avoid presenting our work or just not do the work at all.

I had arrived early to prepare my nerves of standing in front of the class, I always hated presenting or just being up front. It just didn't sit right with me and I'd always end up bailing because of my nerves.

I sighed gazing at John and I's statues that I finished adding the signs on the side of the podiums.

They were well done and a bit wonky but overall they made me happy for whatever reason. Whether I felt as if John and I bonded in some weird way or it was because we managed to finish them early and relax. It could be the signs John made they were kind of funny and cute.

I smiled and soon gasped as I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned startled as I saw John with Ponce and Cleo who was standing by the door admiring her nails with annoyed expression. John gazed at me with his signature grin as I gazed back at him feeling my heart skip a beat.

"Heya Vinnie, Ponce and I were gonna uh grab a bite at the er Grassy Knolls..Wanna come with?" He asked as I thought about it for a moment and gently shook my head.
"I'm gonna stay here, thank you for the offer though." I smiled as I gently turned back towards the statues, I could hear John sigh.

"Fine but I'll er bring you back something" he muttered patting my back lightly as they all soon left. I was left back in the silence but it felt different this time.

It wasn't the happy silence I was in before he arrived, I started to feel anxious as I began over thinking the situation.

Should I have gone with John? Did I upset him for not going?

I felt kind of silly, my brains just trying to mess with me. I bet John was just trying to be nice in front of friends so I doubt I upset him. I probably annoyed him or something like that anyways.

Maybe I should go it was a bit rude of me to turn him down but I am kind of curious to see what he'll bring me back.

I groaned faintly holding my head as I soon agreed on waiting here, I felt exhausted and anxious. I just want to sleep at this point, I want to sleep the day off or just go home.

I yawned soon folding my arms into a basket that I used as a make shift pillow and gently leaned my head into it and slowly drifted off.

{Time skip}

I was abruptly awoken by the sound of the bell I gently frowned as I was startled. I shook my head and glanced around the classroom everyone was filing in taking their seats as they rambled on. John soon entered the class room with his bag hanging off his shoulder as he soon sat down beside me with a smile.

"I'm er back with drinks and uh food!" He spoke as he placed his bag down on the desk and rummaged through it. He soon pulled a small plastic bag placing it in front of me as he chucked his other bag down between his legs.

I gently shoved my hand into the bag pulling out a bottle of Coca Cola, a couple bags of apple slices, a packet of straws and a packet of sour Haribo's.

It was a weird arrangement of items but it wasn't too bad. It made me smile.

"I er thought maybe we could share the uh coke bottle so I bought straws.." John mumbled shyly as I nodded feeling my cheeks heat.
"Plus it was er the last one" he added scratching the back of his head as I smiled slipping a chuckle.

"It's fine." I shrugged as he hummed in response as he opened up the packet of straws as I opened the bottle and he plopped in a couple of straws which only floated to the top almost spilling out.

"I appreciate this very much..but you're gonna confuse me." I mumbled with a smile as I soon took a sip of the coke as John shrugged soon taking a sip after me through his own straw.

The class soon started and the teacher called us up one at a time to show off our sculptures. We all groaned though we kind of knew she'd do that, she always does it. John and I were soon called up, John did most of the talking though not that there was much to talk about but my nerves had settled maybe because I was up with someone or maybe I knew it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

We were soon done half of the class I'd say clapped and we took our seats. We both sighed as we sat down and leaned back I gently placed my head on the desk curling up into a small ball. I could feel Kennedy poke my cheek I frowned confusedly and peeled an eye out.

He was staring at me with big eyes and a neutral expression as he poked my cheek again. I chuckled faintly as I sat back up slowly and cocked a brow continuing to stare at this himbo.

"What?" I asked as he soon shrugged turning away sipping the bottle of coke as I scrunched my brows confusedly and sighed pinching the bridge of my nose as I heard him giggle to himself.

I swear he was just a tease I hated him for it. I hated how he'd act around me sometimes it really confused me whether he was hitting on me or just generally being annoying. I loved how we were friends but I wish he'd just stop.

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