Chapter One: Queen Vanessa

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Relma stared down at the ground as the lands passed beneath him. They'd seen only blasted landscape when they had first moved through the Pass of Dragon Bones. Soon, they'd come into green hills and vibrant trees. Now and then, they'd seen villages, and they grew in size. Now and then, they had seen Red Dragons flying toward them. Someone called them back each , however, there were no villages and no dragons. The tree had become craggy and dangerous. The ground had a blight upon it, and all around them was the scent of decay.

"We passed the last village nearly an hour ago," said Estela from one of the Black Dragons. "This place seems almost empty now." Her dark hair blew about her as she pulled her blue cloak closer.

"Well, that is to be expected," said Wrynncurth beneath Relma. "Vanessa told me that this area is kept empty for various reasons. I wager she'll explain things once we're face to face."

On they went.

Eventually, Relma saw a city in the distance, situated upon a hill. The fortress had been set up, bricks laid on one another. Beyond the walls were many broken buildings, still firmly clinging to existence. Many looked to have been very tall at one point, but none had stayed that way, save one.

Amid the fallen towers was a single, huge monastery with the emblem of a sun etched into it. Relma wondered what it was that it had symbolized.

"Wrynncurth, where are we now?" asked Relma.

"Well, I've not been down this way for centuries," said Wrynncurth ruefully. "Judging by the cliffs, I think we're nearing the old capital."

"How do you know that?" asked Estela.

"I don't, but I recall this place quite well," said Wrynncurth. "I remember there were far fewer castles the last time. When last I was here, this place was all wilderness. Someone has cut back the trees.

"Come, we'll land here. I'd rather not go any further today."

Wrynncurth landed alongside his other dragons, none of whom had spoken. Jomas, who had been silent until now, dismounted and walked to sit on a rock. He stared out into space over the trees, face impassive.

"Estela, Jomas, how was the flying?" asked Relma.

For a moment, Jomas did not answer. "...Alright," he said at last. "Are either of you hurt?

"No, I'm not," said Estela, not looking at him as she sat down far away. "I'm sore all over."

Since King Tyus had tried to send Relma on this mission to die, Estela had been in a bad mood. She'd sent Jomas with Relma as extra security and to get out of marrying him. Then Wrynncurth had insisted Estela come with them.

So now they were in a position where King Tyus wanted Relma to die. Estela wanted Jomas to die. Meanwhile, Relma was hoping they all made it out alive. She wished Ajax was here; he'd always been a good companion and could catch animals wherever they went.

"Here, let me help you with that, Estela," said Relma, moving toward her dark-haired friend.

Putting a hand on Estela's shoulder, Estela breathed out. Relma could feel her aches and pains disappearing and felt glad. "I didn't know healing magic could ease sore limbs."

"Well, sore limbs are a kind of injury if you think about it," said Relma. "Jomas, do you need help?"

Jomas said nothing; he was busy polishing his armor.

"Let me see the map Wrynncurth gave us," said Estela.

"You could just ask me, old girl," said Wrynncurth.

Estela ignored him as Relma drew the map and handed it to her. The Knight looked over the data quickly. Finally, she lowered it. "...Well, according to this, we're in the heartlands of the Dragon Empire."

The Dragoness QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora