Chapter Eight: King Gormath

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They were led inland along busy streets that were paved with tan stones and well cleaned. The people of this place seemed well-fed, a marked contrast to some of those in the Dragon Empire. There were several working water pump like the one Estela had seen in Antion and the bars had priests preaching to those who drank. People looked up at them, and Wrynncurth, in particular, with interest but not hatred. Wrynncurth seemed to take the attention with good cheer. Whether or not he felt cheerful was another question.

Though he did wave, so perhaps it was genuine. He seemed interested in the streets and vendors around them. The guards flanking them prevented any attempt to talk to others, unfortunately. So Estela remained troubled. She'd have liked to learn a bit more about this place.

Actually, Estela had noticed something. The weapons some of the guards were using weren't pikes. They looked almost like clubs, except with a blade on end. They had them rested against a shoulder.

"Who is this King Gormath we are going to see anyway, Relma?" asked Estela. She'd like to know something about him before she was in his house.

Relma quickly asked Sadago as much and got a response. She translated it, and the two seemed to get on well. Relma looked back. "Well, I talked with them. It seems that King Gormath is the youngest King they've ever had. He came to power when the Sun Soul Empire slew his father in battle and took his soul for their pyres. Vowing vengeance, King Gormath journeyed to the lair of Queen Vanessa.

"There he brooked an alliance from which many great battles were won. The Sun Soul Empire was driven into the southeastern jungles. However, in recent years they have made an alliance with Durag, the Dark Lord."

"Who is this, Durag?" asked Estela. "Have you met him, Wrynncurth?"

"Afraid not, old girl," said Wrynncurth. "Last time I was here, he was a chieftain of the dwarves of Highwatch. Jolly powerful one too.

"I gather he must have gone into the immortality business while I was gone. Jolly unfortunate that I didn't meet him; I might have an idea of what he wants."

"Right," said Relma.

"What about the horses?" asked Estela. "I was under the impression the horses had vowed never to serve humanity? How did he gain their loyalty?"

Relma asked and got her answer. It took some time for Sadago to explain it and looked back. "He says that the horses were often hunted by red dragons. Apparently, they were considered a delicacy. By aligning themselves with the Conquista, they were able to gain protection.

"Together, they were able to cooperate in fighting against the dragons."

"Interesting enough," said Wrynncurth. "Though I heard it once or twice before. Ask him about Durag, would you Relma?"

Relma did ask as much, again, and Sadago responded in a rather lengthy explanation. By the time he finished, they had gone beyond the town and were scaling a hill. At the top stood a majestic, tan-walled fortress with many spires. Around it were bountiful fields as well.

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