Chapter Nineteen: The Temple

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Flying with Bryag was... difficult.

The beating of his wings made whirlwinds and Wrynncurth had to stay far from him. And clinging to Estela from behind provided only so much grounding beneath the gusts. Although it wasn't exactly unpleasant, being this near to Estela. Yet the land flew out from under them at a rate that would make one sick, a blur of green jungle and desolate realms.

The Temple of Vrengar was gigantic. It was larger than Bryag and built directly into the side of a mountain. The rock was of the purest white, with a snowy peak at the very top. The fortress loomed high above them. Wrynncurth eyed it with a cheerful gaze. "Well, I must say that is quite a bit larger than expected."

"You've been here before, haven't you?" asked Estela.

"Yes, but it was far smaller last time," said Wrynncurth. "That manmade plateau wasn't there at all. The old girl Vanessa has made some major improvements since."

"How does she even use the fortress?" asked Estela.

"Do you think she takes a human form?" asked Relma.

Then she looked down and saw Queen Vanessa standing upon the stone plateau. It was near, but not on, the mountain's peak. She was in her human form, as always, and wrapped in a gray cloak. Wrynncurth descended to land there, while Bryag perched at the edge.

"Wrynncurth, what is the meaning of this?" asked Vanessa, not acknowledging Bryag.

"Nothing to worry about," said Wrynncurth. "We are here to talk with you."

Vanessa looked to Relma and paused. "...Relma Artorious, I believe you have expanded my Empire by a significant margin. And perhaps opened the way to my conquest of the Sun Soul Empire.

"Very well, I'll play along." She looked up. "Bryag, why are you here? You're supposed to be holding the river. You know how important your task is."

"I'm not necessary," said Bryag.

"You needn't worry; we've arranged for a replacement bridge guard," said Wrynncurth. "I'm here to discuss Evren."

"What of him?" asked Vanessa, looking defensive. "He and his followers pay their tribute to me on time."

"But do they pay their tribute to Bryag, old girl?" asked Wrynncurth, voice a little cold.

"What tribute, what are you talking about?" asked Vanessa.

"I have been looking through the contracts signed by them to Bryag," said Wrynncurth. "According to these, they owe them the following amount." And he drew out a sheet of parchment he'd written up after looking over them.

Vanessa held the contract and looked over it. Her mouth opened as she read the number. "That is..."

"A rough, conservative analysis, of course," said Wrynncurth. "But, Bryag should be owed somewhere around this or higher. From each of them."

The Dragoness QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora