Chapter Twenty: Trial By Fire

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There was silence for a moment.

Then Estela stepped forward and Relma back. The Princess of Estal threw her cloak behind her shoulders. Her mail was revealed, and she caught her sword in an underhand grip. A gust of wind blew her hair beside her, and she looked very impressive.

"You were expecting us?" asked Estela.

"Our Lord, Vrengar, told us to watch for you," said the priest. "He also warned that soldiers might pursue you." He and those with him bowed, as a howling wind shot through Relma's hair. She realized just how far she would fall if she slipped off this mountain.

"Is Vanessa acting contrary to his will?" asked Estela, surprised.

"Queen Vanessa rules her own realm and Vrengar his," said the priest. The two understand one another. However, I can offer you shelter, should you need it."

"Thank you," said Estela, adjusting her sword and stretching her neck. "However, no soldiers have pursued us thus far."

"I see," said the priest. "Then, perhaps our offer was unnecessary. Why have you come to this place? My lord did not say."

"We're here to meet Vrengar, actually," said Estela. "Or rather, Relma is. I am here with my squire for that purpose."

"Then follow me," said the priest, before motioning.

Together, they walked to the double doors and opened them. Moving through them, they entered a place brightly lit by many torches. Here a round table was prepared for them, and they were seated.

"Have you yet eaten?" asked the priest.

"No," said Estela. "We've only just arrived.

"Then I shall have food and wine brought," said the priest. "Once you have eaten, I shall explain the details of achieving a meeting with Lord Vrengar."

As it turned out, the food was fish, and Estela seemed to enjoy it a great deal. However, she insisted Relma eat it first to determine if any poison was in it. Relma could purify poison in her own body, after all. The priests ended up eating with them, and Relma found the hospitality odd.

"This is excellent," said Estela.

"Thank you," said the priest. "These fish are taken only from mountain pools in the Road of Ancient Stone. Holy magics must purify them, and then they can be eaten. You needn't worry; the food taster already tried it and was not killed."

"Do people often die?" asked Estela.

"Sometimes, it's a risk from this kind of dish," said the priest.

"Do you often meet with the villagers of this land?" asked Relma.

"No," said the priest. "We take care of this sanctuary and only meet with pilgrims. And they are few and far between. Lord Vrengar prefers to simply take power from the worship given to Red Dragons.

"And he does not like to be consulted, save perhaps on matters of smithing."

"Then, there is no organized religion?" asked Relma.

"There are some," said the priest. "To each dragon their own priests."

"Excuse me," said Estela. "I don't believe you told us your name?"

"We give up our names when we become priests of Vrengar," said the priest. "For our purposes, I am the High Priest and only High Priest. When our duties require identification, each of us has a number assigned to them."

"Why is that?" asked Relma.

"Lord Vrengar prefers it that way," said High Priest."In any case, you may be granted a meeting with Lord Vrengar. However, you must meet him alone. To do so, you must face a trial by fire."

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