Chapter Twelve: Reality in Dreams

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Relma could not remember stepping into the cave.

All she knew was that  she came to a place that looked like a throne room. It reminded her of Steward Benarus' throneroom. Yet instead of white, it was gold. The sun's rays poured through the ceiling, and as she walked, she felt as though she had been here many times before. The air was warm and there was a kind of glow within it.

It was as if someone had walked into an era of myth and legend.

There was music in the air as well as a strange one. As she walked further upwards, Relma saw before her Anoa the Bright. He sat upon his throne, clad in shining mail, and Lightning Trail was laid over his knees.

"Relma, I have awaited your arrival," said Anoa.

Relma knew at once that this was not fully real. Lightning Trail was by her side, after all. "Anoa?

"How do you have a presence here?"

"My presence extends over many domains," said Anoa. "Among them is this place, sustained by the Conquista's obedience to my ancient command. Pantera called me into this place with her dying breath, and I answered."

"What is in this place?" asked Relma, remembering that this realm was connected to hell. "What are you guarding?"

"Only what is within you, of course," said Anoa. "What you see around you is akin to a... dream of sorts.

"Those who enter this place see their own nature and the consequences of that nature. Some emerge stronger, others break.

"Are you certain you wish to press on?"

Relma considered the question for a long moment. Finally, she realized there was only one answer. "I have to see my own weaknesses if I'm going to be a good king."

"A wise attitude, but perhaps not a healthy one," said Anoa. "Tell me, can a King be a King if she is not willing to kill?"

"It's not that I'm not willing to do it," said Relma. "I just don't ever want to do it. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone, and if I can avoid blood, I will."

"Really?" asked Anoa. "It is one thing to say a thing. It is another thing to do it."

And then the world changed.

Relma was standing upon a path within a vast fortress. A stream was running downhill near her, and through the trees, she could see a sickly greenish sky. The sound of combat could be heard, and Relma listened for it, and in the distance, she saw smoke rising.

She wondered where she was and put her hand to a sword. "Where...

"Where is this?"

And then a boy rushed down the slopes toward her, or at least she thought it was a boy. He was an elf, with blue skin, but further examination revealed scales all over him. As he saw her, he shuddered and then looked back. A figure was coming down after them. "Help! Help me please! You have to help me! They're going to kill me!"

"Who?" asked Relma, coming forward.

"Adrianeth's warriors, they're after me," said the boy. "Please, don't tell them I went this-"

And then, out of the woods, stepped a huge humanoid lizard-creature. Relma had been told that lizardfolk were mortal shells for magical beings. They were beings impossible to comprehend. Yet this one seemed to be all too real and comprehensible to her, as he moved forward. He had orangish scales and teeth like a crocodile.

"I am Ranush, servant of Adrianeth!" said the lizardfolk. "Step aside from that boy, girl. He is a fugitive from Adrianeth's law."

"What has he done?" asked Relma.

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