Chapter Sixteen: Plots within Plots

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Relma awoke that morning with a profound feeling of dread.

Her days in the domain of Durag had been long and informative. Though they focused on more humane experiments, the dread did not leave her. Even if Relma was looking at experiments conducted humanely, she knew they were there. Relma tried to see more of them but found it began to affect her mood and had to pace herself.

And so she dressed without the simple, but the pleasant room she'd been given. She combed her hair and washed as best she could as well, having to undress again to do it. The room had furniture made of metal instead of wood, but it was all well made and comfortable. Brushing her hair, Relma looked at herself in the mirror. "Another day.

"Another tour. You have to stay with it, Relma. You need to understand what is happening here if you want to win. And if you don't win, everything will get worse.


"Is there something else I could do?"

Relma had spent her time researching as well, Durag had very extensive records. She soon began to put together the beginnings of a plan. And as she met Durag for breakfast, she decided to put it into action.

"Ah, Relma," said Durag, coming in as she ate. "How are you enjoying breakfast?"

"Very much," said Relma, enthusiastic at the idea of not seeing any horrors. Physical pain was nothing to knowing it was happening to other people. "This food is excellent."

"I thought you might want to know," said Durag. "Your ally, Pantera, is under attack by the Sun Soul Empire. Their warriors have been massing to press into her jungles. It might be wise to take some action against it.

"If you wish to communicate with another, I would be happy to supply you with the means."

That was...

An odd coincidence. But it did fit perfectly with what she had planned, and Relma came up with the idea at once. Nodding, she finished her breakfast. "I will thank you."

Making her way to the communications room, Relma entered it.

Mentally preparing herself for what was to come, Relma put her hand into the box. The tickles began, followed by pain as she focused. But Relma had gotten better at controlling it now and was able to stave it off.

"Pantera..." called Relma.

Then she felt Pantera's presence as a ghostly figure appeared before her. The catwoman was lounging upon a tree branch and holding a bloodied human skull almost. "Relma, you are using Durag's means of communication? Brave of you, isn't it?"

"Yes, I know," said Relma, cutting to the chase. "Durag tells me that you are under attack. Is that true?"

"Not yet, but they've been gathering troops for a full invasion," said Pantera. "I think I may have some problems. I may even lose this body, and so many of my dear pets if things go on.

"Though I'll devour many of them..." She sounded... well, happy about the thought.

"What if I could help you?" asked Relma.

Pantera crushed the skull between her upheld paws and tossed the fragments away. Everyone in this land was a bloodthirsty lunatic, weren't they? Relma supposed she'd just have to manage.

"How do you intend to do that, Relma?" asked Pantera, purring as she leaned back.

"I have a plan that might be able to save your holdings in that region," said Relma. "And through it, bring peace as a whole. How would you feel about swearing fealty to Queen Vanessa?"

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