Chapter 1 The Invites

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The Savant's POV

I was sitting in my office, minding my buisness when I felt someone staring at me. I looked around to see if anyone was there. No one, maybe it was just me but I felt a bad aura when I first moved into this mansion.

It was a rustic 1920's estate, located on the far outskirts of a town. It was surrounded by trees, no insight on what could happen in this house.

After my deep thoughts I got up and walked towards my window. I stood there looking out at the dark and foggy night, my black cadillac sitting on the drive way, waiting to be driven.

I closed the blinds and walked towards my bedroom. I sat there..thinking about how lonely and quiet the house was, of course the staff that came with the place were here..but it didnt feel the same, it felt off. I have had a weird feeling about them ever since I met them. They dressed in all black and rarely smile, they were also really secretive.

I went to where the desk was in my room. I opened a little drawer and pulled out a piece of paper along with a quill and ink. I was planning on drawing the house from outside but instead I felt an uneasy presence calling me, hurting me....killing me.

Before I knew it my body was writing a letter which I had no control over...

To my Esteemed Friends,

I have acquired a illutrious estate from the death of a distant relative, whom I've never met. I thought it only lifting if you all, came to a dinner party on the grounds. It will certaintly be a night to remember. However the estate is quite peculiar and only exists in the year 1920. To enter its grounds, you must be dressed of clothing in that era. If you are carrying anything from the modern world, the house will simply never appear for you. And not only your clothing, but your attitude must reflect the time. I've included your unique characteristics on the back of this invitation. My driver will pick you up and take you on a road, that can only be driven by his insane time traveling automobile. Then almost like magic the house will appear. I hope to see you all soon.

Sincerely, Chan

AHHXISBGD alrighty- so If yall couldnt tell this book is based of Escape The Night. There will be some Murder Mystery and Escape Room type of vibes to so its not just escape the night. I feel like im better at writing scary things rather than cheesy love stories 😔. Probably cause I have no experience but any who- I hope yall look forward to it-

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