Harry's name was called

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Y/n's POV

Classes went by quickly, they were all so easy.

Everyone was warning me about professor snape but he wasn't mean to me at all. I quite enjoyed his class.

I met a lot of people today.

Like the twins George and Fred. Or Gred and forge, as I like to call them. Oh, do I love those boys they are so funny and sweet. We pulled a prank on filch it was incredible.

Then there is Neville he's a sweet and shy boy we talked about plants and books we got along quite well.

Then there's Luna Lovegood she's a bit odd but I think that's what makes her special. We talked about nargals and how she's gonna make me a dream catcher to put over my bed so they stay away from me.

After the long day, I decided to sit by the black lake and read "Magical water plants of the Mediterranean" it's a very fascinating book I had gotten so into the book I hadn't realized there was someone that sat next to me.

I looked to see the handsome Hufflepuff boy.

"Hi I'm Cedric Diggory," he says.

I smile and say "Finally a name to the face of the handsome Hufflepuff. I'm y/n Riddle".

He smirks and says "you are very blunt I like that," he says.

We talked for hours about each other's life. I found out he's putting his name in the goblet. Which makes me a bit worried because he could die in it. We made each other laugh and smile it was amazing. But we said our goodbyes when we realized it was 10:00 pm and we missed dinner so we hugged each other goodbye and headed back to our common rooms.

I sneaked in quietly till I hear "Where have you been! I've been worried sick" hermi says.

"MERLIN hermi you almost gave me a heart attack," I say.

I notice that in the common room it's Harry, Ron and the twins. Harry and Ron are playing chess while secretly listening in to our conversation.

"You didn't answer the question where were you," hermi said

"Well if you must know Mother I was out with Cedric and we lost track of time."

Her annoyed face turned into a smirk. "You were with the Hufflepuff boy that was eyeing you the other day," she said.

I giggled and said "Yes".

"Did anything happen? Did you kiss? Are you guys together now? Omg, I'm so excited" hermi said while jumping up and down. 

From the corner of my eye I see Harry and Ron looking at me waiting for my response.

"Calm yourself hermi. But No. Nothing like that happened we just talked and laughed it was great." I said with a smile.

"You like him I can tell. Oh I'm so happy for you," Hermi said while hugging me tightly.

I giggle and say "Alright well I'm going to bed I am tired,"

"Me too I only stayed up for you," Hermi said.

"Goodnight boys," we both said simultaneously.
Leaving without hearing a response.

The next day

Today's class was horrible the new teacher mad-eye pissed me off.

He made hermi scared. She looked like she was about to cry.

Harry had to hold me down before I hexed him. He was telling us about the unforgivable curses.

He kept eyeing me and harry strangely.

The only thing good that happened in that class was a spider getting placed on Draco. His face was priceless.

Right now I'm with hermi watching people put their names in the goblet.

I see Cedric put his name in and winks at me. As I smirk at him.

Then I see Viktor Krum eyeing my sister again.

"He totally wants you hermi" I say.

She starts blushing and says "And Diggory wants you" I smile.

Then we turn back to the goblet. The twins are trying to put their name in, but we explain to them it's not going to work. They preceded to ignore us saying it was going to work and continued putting there names in.

Few moments later we were correct. It did not work. They turned old and blamed each other. They started to fight and we busted out laughing.

After a bit of time went on Hermi and I decided this fight couldn't go on. So we went up to the twins pulling them by there ears saying to stop acting like stupid gits and go to the hospital wing.

Later this week

Cedric and I have been getting close it's been great.

Now we're waiting for the names to be called. It was Fleur, Viktor, and Cedric I clapped loudly when his name was called he shot me a wink, which made me smile.

But the most unexpected thing happened. Harry's name was called.

I looked at him with scared eyes grabbing his hand tightly and intertwining our fingers together. At that moment I was terrified of letting him go.

He looked so confused. Hermi said I had to let him go and she pushed him forward.

I scowled at her. He obviously didn't want to go. Everyone was calling him a "cheat".

How could people believe harry would put his name in the goblet. He was terrified you could see it in his face.

I looked at Ron and I could tell he was mad. This idiot thinks Harry put his name in the goblet. Ugh, I can tell this is going to end badly.

Later that night

Harry came back and told us what they had said. He has to do the tournament even though he's not of age.

Then to top it off  Ron doesn't believe him. They both got into an argument and Ron stormed off I told hermi to go talk to him while I talk to Harry.

"You believe me right," harry asked with a frown on his lips.

I hugged him tightly seeing the pain in his eyes. He hugs me even tighter, His hands around my waist while my arms around his neck.

"Of course I do Harry. I will always believe you," I said. We stayed like that for a long time.

I told him to sleep with me in my dorm because I knew he wouldn't go into his room if Ron was there.

He agreed and we both got changed into our pajamas. I was wearing a black pair of silk pajamas. (This is what I wore)

 (This is what I wore)

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And a messy bun. He wore plaid red and black pajama pants and no shirt.

We got in bed together and I laid my head on top of his chest listening to his heart beating.

"Goodnight Harry," I said.

"Goodnight Y/n," Harry said. And we drifted off to sleep.

Y/n riddle & her twin Hermione granger(Harry Potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now