My revenge

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Y/n's POV

Harry's been sleeping in mine and hermi's dorm room since ron and his falling out.

Harry and I have gotten closer I think I may have some feelings for him. But I'm not going to say anything because I know if he doesn't like me back it's gonna be awkward.

Anyway, today is the day I'm getting back at Draco Malfoy for bullying my sister.

I see Draco by his friends and signal him to follow me. I walk out of the great hall into the hallway. Hearing his steps behind me I grab him and push him against the wall with a smirk on my face.

I see him smile "Meet me here tonight at 11," I say.

I grab his tie and kiss him passionately while he kisses back even harder. I smile through our kiss.

Then I pull away and whisper in his ear "Don't be late. I hate waiting." And bite his ear softly then walk back in the great hall.

Later that night
Im wearing a tight black skirt and a black lace crop top. (This is what you're wearing)

 (This is what you're wearing)

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I go to meet Draco. No one knows what I'm planning yet. It's going to be a surprise.

I see Draco he looks me up and down and bites his lip. If only he wasn't a pretentious ass maybe we could have something.

"You look amazing," he says.

"I know," I say with a smirk plastered on my face.

I grab his wrist and lead him to the closet. I push him against the wall and smash my lips on his. Our lips move in sync.

Both of us fighting for dominance but me winning of course. He pulls up my skirt and tells me to jump.

I wrap my legs around his waist. I start nibbling down his jaw to his neck making sure the hickies are visible. I hear him moan while I'm doing this. "Fuck" he moans.

I giggle and say "you've been wanting this haven't you."

"Yes. Yes for a long time now" he said. I smirk. Feeling his member grow hard. 

"Strip," I say.

He does as I say. Then bingo I hear the door open and throw Harry's cloak over me.

It was filch I had sent in a tip saying someone was planning on being in here. I slip out through the door knowing damn well he just got in trouble and my plan worked.

I get in my dorm and couldn't help but start to laugh I pulled off the cloak. Then saw hermi and Harry staring at me.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" hermi yelled

"shhhhh be quiet," I say putting a finger up to my lips.

I notice Harry turning red and I couldn't understand why til hermi said " And why are you half-naked" 

I start laughing and put on some pajamas.

"Why are you laughing," hermi said.

"Can I tell you tomorrow I'm tired" I say.

"No," she says.

"Fine. I went out to get back at Draco. My plan worked too." I said.

She grinned and so did Harry. I told them both what had happened. They were repulsed that I had kissed him. But we're impressed.

"Thank you y/n," hermi said.

I smiled and hugged her. "It's no problem. You are my twin. If someone hurts you. I hurt them, it's as simple as that." I said.

After that we said goodnight. Then Harry and I fell asleep.

Next morning

I woke up early this morning with a smile on my face. I got up and dressed.

Then I woke up Harry and hermi so we can head down for breakfast.

We were all eating till the twins came up to us and said " Did you hear about Malfoy "

we shook our heads "no".

"Well apparently last night he was in the closet naked and he got caught by filch. Filch took him to snape and he got 3 months detention. 200 points taken off. And has to write 300 times" "I will not be naked in the closet anymore"

I laughed so hard I could barely breathe.

That's what he deserves. I remember the letter's hermi use to write to me about him. They had her dried tears on them. It broke my heart hearing how hurt she was.

Later on, we found out Harry's first task would be dragons.

I went with Harry to tell Cedric about the dragons and he greatly appreciated it.

As we were about to leave we heard a horrid voice it was Draco's. He was telling Harry about how he and his father have a bet of how long Harry was gonna last in the tournament.

I grabbed his hand and faced him "he's not worth it Harry" I said.

I think Draco got jealous because he was about to hit Harry with a spell till mad-eye came and turned him into a ferret. I laughed and picked up ferret Draco.

I turned to Harry and said " Can we please keep him. he's so cute" I said while petting Draco.

He started to laugh till he realized I was dead serious. "No, we can't" I look down at Draco.

"I'm sorry he won't let me keep you" I hold on to him until one of the professors came over and yelled at mad-eye.

She told me to put him down which I did reluctantly. Then human Draco came back and said " My father will hear about this" then walked away.

I was so sad I wanted to keep him.

Harry lifted my chin seeing how sad I was. He was laughing at the thought of me being sad because I couldn't keep ferret Draco. Nonetheless he hugged me and said "I promise you if he gets turned into a ferret again you can keep him"

"yes" I said smiling widely jumping up and down.

Y/n riddle & her twin Hermione granger(Harry Potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now