Date night

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Y/n's POV
I'm walking down the hall when I hear

"Y/n, y/n"

I turn around and see Draco

"What do you want Draco?" I say with annoyance

"Why do you hate me all of a sudden? What did I do?" He says

"Are you serious?" I say

"Yes I really don't know what I did," he says

" You bullied my sister for years calling her a mudblood. That's so fucked up Draco." I say and pause for a moment before I continue

"I remember when I'd get a letter about you from her with tears stains on them. The pain she was in just because she wasn't up to your standards. The only reason I was nice at first was because I didn't realize who you were" I say

He looks at me with sadness and a frown upon his lips "I'm really sorry about that. But I have a reputation to uphold but I promise I won't do that anymore. Just give me a chance to prove I'm a good person" he says

"I will when you apologize to my sister," I say

"Okay I will when I see her," he says

"I'm actually going to see her right now you can come with me," I say

Before he can object I grab his hand leading him to the library.

I walk in front of hermi with Draco by my side.

"Hey y/n- wait what is he doing here?" She says

I nudge Draco to start talking.

"I came here to tell you that I'm sorry for calling you a mudblood all these years. I was being immature. I didn't realize how much I was probably hurting you. I understand if you can't forgive me but just know I meant non of what I said back then. I've never had real friends like how you guys have, so I guess I was just jealous and took it out on all of you," he said sincerely

I was a bit surprised how sympathetic he sounded. I thought maybe it would be short and fake. But this wasn't. He really meant it.

"I don't know if I can completely forgive you yet. But I accept your apology." She says with a smile

"I understand, well ima go. see you later y/n"

"See you later," I say while hugging him. He was shocked but hugged back.

As he left hermi looks at me and says "How did you get him to do that?"

"I just said if he wanted to be friends he had to apologize to you for everything he's done," I say

"Wow I guess he really wants to be your friend," she says

"I guess so" while sitting down next to her and doing some "light" reading


Right now I'm getting ready to go on a date with Cedric.

"I have nothing to wear," I say

"Y/n you have a closet full of clothes. What are you talking about" hermi says

"I don't know what if I don't look good. Or what if he doesn't like me" I say while I'm pacing around the room.

Hermi stands up and walks to me putting her hands on my shoulders to stop me from moving.

"Y/n you are the most beautiful girl in the school, trust me you will look amazing with whatever you choose to wear. And if he doesn't like you then he isn't the one for you. It's not like there isn't a guy in the school who doesn't want to be with you," she says

Y/n riddle & her twin Hermione granger(Harry Potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now