chapter 8: the accident part 2

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-With harmony and melody-

Melody stood infront of harmony. The noise grew louder and louder. They started swimming and then someone stopped them. "Excuse me sir"said melody

The guy kept quiet. He was wearing a cap so melody and harmony couldn't see his face. Harmony and melody than decided to swim the other way but he swam infront of them. "We really have to get home"said melody

"I think your dad can wait melody"said the guy

"How do you know my name?"said melody

"I know everything. The girl behind you is you "friend" harmony"said the guy

"Melody im getting scared"said harmony

"You should be"said the guy

He laughed evilly. Melody grabbed a sea rock and threw it at him. "Swim!"yelled melody

Melody grabbed harmonies hand and swam away. The guy followed them

-With everyone else"

They swam around looking for them. "Where could they be?"said sea

They swam around. And they came across the green color water. "Should we?"said sea

"Lets go!"yelled jazz

They all followed jazz down to the sea floor

-With melody and harmony-

Melody and harmony swam and swam. They swam as fast as they could. "Harmony wait!"yelled melody

Harmony slowed down. And melody watched up. They tried outswiming the guy. They swam threw a loop. But melodies siren tail got caught. "Harmony help!"yelled melody

Harmony turned and saw melody. The guy also saw her and swam to her. Harmony swam as fast as she could. She got to melody first. She pulled and melody. "Ow! Harmony my tail!"said melody

"Im coming"said the guy

Harmony pulled more "Ow! Harmony free my tail! Its my tail!"said melody

-With jazz and the others"

He heard melodies screams. "They are here!"yelled jazz

They all followed the sounds of the screams

-With harmony and melody-

Harmony tried freeing melodies tail. "I can't!"yelled harmony

The guy created and energy ball and threw it at harmony. When it harmony, she screamed in pain as it electrified her. "No harmony!"yelled melody

Harmony fell to the sea floor. Melodimy tried freeing herself. They guy was close. "Someone help!!!!!"yelled melody

Soon a big roar was heard and a flash of light. The guy swam away quickly. Melody looked up and saw her dad and everyone else. "Melody!"said jazz

He swam down to melody and helped her out. "Where is harmony?"asked jazz

Melody pointed to the sea floor. They all swam down. "I found her!"yelled a guard

They all swam to harmony. "No! Harmony!"screamed sea

Waved picked up harmony. "Harmony sweetie wake up"said wave

"What were you guys doing here!"yelled jazz

"We were just playing. I-i didn't know. He just came"said melody

"You could have gotten you and harmony killed! Look what has happened as a consequence for disobeying me! You got hurt and so did harmony!"yelled jazz

"Im sorry....."said melody

She felt like this was all her fault. "This is the last straw. Your not allowed to speak or even see that mermaid again. Do you hear me!"said jazz

"It wasn't her fault! Why are you acting like she is a danger to us!"said melody

Waved carried harmony in his arms. "Sir this was a mistake. Look we will have guards with them when they hang out. Don't take away your daughter from our daughter"said wave

"Im sorry but no. If harmony comes near my daughter she will pay"said jazz

He grabbed melodies arm and dragged her away. Wave and sea and the guards swam away. "Oh harmony"said wave

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