chapter 19: the truth and the encounter

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"What!"snapped cherry

"I was sent here to lower harmony and melody back to equestria. I had to take over when Jason broke harmonies heart. I had to take them back to equestria so their dad and my dad could kill harmony"said celcious

"You mean you came to this world, to stalk my wife, take them back, and let your dad kill her!"snapped acoustic

"I was forced to! I had no choice acoustic! If I did I wouldn't have come! For once think about how someone that had to grow up with a gun pointed to their head felt like!"snapped celcious

"We need to find them"said knuckles

"No. If we do we will only put them in more danger. I have to leave to. If they find me here with you. They will use you guys to lower them in"said celcious

Celcious kissed his daughter on the cheek. "Ill take care of her"said sonata

Celcious looked at sonata. She had that warm smile that everyone loved. "Thank you sonny"said celcious

"No problem. Now go. Help save them. And remember, they won't be pointing a gun to your head as long as Im alive"said sonata

Sonata was always the sweetest girl. Celcious hugged her "ill make it up to you one day sonny"

Sonata smiled. Celcious stood up and waved goodbye to everyone. Then he left

-With harmony and melody-

They sat on a park bench thinking. "Hello ladies. Missed me"

Harmony and melody froze. They turned around and saw Ripwave. "Long time no see"said Ripwave

Melody and harmony stood up ready to fight. "What do you want"said melody

"I want the tiara, and your sisters blood melody"said Ripwave

"By now I thought you would have giving up. But since you have no life you are to busy stalking us. So how is my low life father doing? Wishing I was still dead?"said harmony

"Yes not wishing. He is hoping you are dead"said Ripwave

"He is a jerk"said melody

"Well before anything. Im not here to fight. So put your arms down. This is a warning for you two. The next time we meet, blood will spill. Oh melody I wouldn't be trusting celcious. You never know"said Ripwave

"What about him?"said melody

"I can't tell you. Its a secret"said Ripwave with a smirk

He laughed and vanished into thin air. Melody and harmony looked at each other. Now they were suspicious about celcious

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