chapter 18: present time

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-Back to the present-

[Insert last chapter of fixing a broken heart]

They both left. Acoustic grabbed the letter. He looked at it. "What dose it say?"said sonata

"Its says i see you. Peek a boo. I found you"said acoustic

He pulled out a strand of harmonies hair and melodies hair. He pulled out some pictures. "I think harmony and melody were being stalked"said acoustic

Acoustic dropped everything as his eyes went wide. The paper landed on its face and there was something written on the back that says its me.

-With melody and harmony-

"I thought we left that all behind!Said harmony

"Well he is back"said melody

They walked to the park. "Melody he is gonna kill us"said harmony

"Look harmony. We have to stay alert. If we let our guard down he will get us. Harmony trust me"said melody

Harmony nodded.

-with the others back home-

Celcious knew who the guy was. He shook in fear. "Celcious are you okay?"said shadow

"Yeah Im fantastic. Im fantastic. Why wouldn't I be fine!"said celcious in a worried tone

He knew that if jazz and Ripwave found out he didn't do what they said. They will kill him. He just put his wife in even more danger. And how would she react when she finds out he had a part to play in the plan. He was now worried. Everyone noticed. "Something is bothering you"said sonata

"Yeah. Celcious tell us what is wrong"said tulip

"I......I"said celcious

He sat down "I know the guy.........I know the guy who sent that was my dad...."

Everyone was in shock. Celcious buried his face in his hands

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