chapter 27: midnight harmony and hope melody

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"We have won!"said Jason

"Funny how you guys think you won"said harmony

"We did won"said Ripwave

"I didn't give you the tiara"said harmony

"Yes you did"said jazz

"I only gave you half"said harmony

Jazz, Jason, and Ripwave looked confused. The tiara was full. They looked at harmony. Harmony only smirked. Her eyes flashed blue again. Melodies flashed pink. Celcious saw and he realized something. "Oh snap!"said celcious

"You think you have full power. You only have half! The other half I dont  have"said harmony

"What are you talking about?"said Jason

"You say melody is the monster. Well she isn't. I am the monster"said harmony

Harmony shot up into the air and threw melody into the water. Melody tried swimming but she was tied up. Harmony cut the rope and she swam up with melody. "She"said harmony

"She what?"said jazz

"She has the other half! When we defeated Jason the last time, we both had a highlight and a tattoo. When we defeated him, we split the power between us both. That makes melody part mermaid too. That makes me part of the monster she is!"said harmony

"You guys..."said Jason

"Yes. We are both each others reflection. The tattoo comes from melody, the highlight comes from me. I'm her, and she is me!"said harmony

Harmony glowed a blue color, melody glowed a pink color. Harmony changed into a siren while melody changed into a mermaid. They created a purple aroura. It was heading to jazz, Jason, and Ripwave. They created a black aroura and it combined with melodies and harmonies. They aurora fought for control. Trying to push back the other. Celcious saw that the guys aurora was winning. He saw how harmony and melody struggled to keep going. Sea noticed and loomed at celcious. Celcious managed to kick Jason off of the rock. Now the girls aurora had more power. In the end their aurora won. A flash was seen and everything went white.

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