chapter 14: the note

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Ripwave finished writing and swam to skies house

-with sky and harmony-

It was 8 of the night. Harmony started to get worried. Soon there was a knock at the door. Harmony hoped it was her sister. When she opened the door she just found a letter of the floor. She picked it up and swam inside. "Who was it"said sky

"I dont know. But someone left this letter for me"said harmony

"Well open it"said sky

Harmony opened the letter and read:

Dear harmony,

You and your sister thought you escaped me. Well I have her. Come alone. If you even dare to pull anything funny, she will die. You have 36 hours to come peacefully or she will die. Hurry. The clock is ticking. Ill be waiting for your arrival. Meet me at the old shipwreck of the ponyflower that is located in the swampy part of the sea. Ill be waiting. I want something from you. Bring your princess tiara. If you fail to bring it i will kill sea and wave

Love, your worst night mare

Harmony dropped the note. Sky looked at her. Harmony grabbed her bag and put in her tiara. She went to the kitchen. She took out lemons, baking soda, baking powder , salt, and hot pepper. She mixed them all up. She grabbed some poison berries and mixed that in. When it was all mixed she put it in a bottle. Then she put it in her bag. "Where are you going?"said sky

"In going to save my sister"said harmony

"Whoa. Can't we just tell the sea guards?" said sky

"You heard him. He will kill her. In not risking my sisters life"said harmony

Harmony grabbed a knife and sharpened it. She put it in her bag. "I wish you the best harmony. Please dont get hurt"said sky

"Thanks sky. Now I have to rescue my sister"said harmony

She grabbed her bag and swam out. Sky had a bad feeling about this.

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