chapter 16: the fight and the birth mother

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Sea and wave swam in with guards along with sea guards and sky. "Mom?"said harmony

"I told you to come alone!"yelled Ripwave

"She didn't call them. I did"said sky

"Sweetheart don't give him your tiara"said sea

"Why?"said harmony

"Because harmony. It carries mermaid power in it. If he gets a hold of it he will rule the oceans of equestria"said wave

Harmony jerked the tiara away. Ripwave growled. He grabbed a knife and threw at melody. Melody screamed and wave used his power to throw the knife off course. Ripwave growled and ordered his men to come in. "The prisoners" said wave

"That's right. I freed them. And they work for me now. So attack the king and queen who has shames your name!"said Ripwave

The sea guards got infront of sea and wave. They tried fighting off the criminals. Sea and waved helped. Ripwave looked at harmony. "The tiara"said Ripwave

Harmony held it and swam to her sister. Jazz came in and punched harmony away. "Dad!"yelled melody

Harmony held her cheek. "Finally I get to kill you"said jazz

Harmonies eyes went wide. She then growled and grabbed the bottle and cracked it. It spread around the room and it was suffocating everyone. Harmony held her breath and took out her knife. She helped melody get free. Jazz used his power to clean the air around. "Oh great"said melody

Harmony got infront of melody. "Wow you really think I want to kill melody?"said jazz

"Knowing you dad your capable"said harmony

"Why do you even want to kill her?"said melody

"She was the reason why your mother died. She died giving birth to that thing!"snapped jazz

"We can fight till death. Bring it on old man!"yelled harmony

Jazz launched himself at harmony. Harmony punched him off. Jazz threw harmony out of a ship window. The glass breaking echoed. Harmony shook the glass pieces off. Jazz slapped harmony with his tail. Harmony punched and slapped jazz with her tail. "Harmony!"yelled melody

"Don't worry. Ill kill you so you won't have to see her die"said Ripwave

Melody got ready to fight. "Honey, we have to help harmony"said sea

"Dear we have our own problem"said wave

Wave protected sea. He didn't want harm coming to his queen. Harmony was bruised all over. Jazz had some scars. "Your a weak siren. You won't be anything more. Your not even full siren. Your pathetic!"snapped jazz

Harmony held her stomach and realized. "I'm not full siren"whispered harmony

"What?"said jazz

Harmony smirked "I may not be a strong siren like melody. I may not be full siren. But I know one thing"

"And what is that?"said jazz

"I am a mermaid!"said harmony

Harmony took out her tiara and put it on. A pink aurora covered harmony. Her hair got longer, soft, her eyes turned a soft baby blue, her solid pink faded to a soft pink, her tail grew. The aurora dissapeared. It revealed harmony and she was a mermaid. "What!"said jazz

But she had a siren necklace. The locket opened to reveal it. She found her true destiny. The fight went on. Sea used her power to make fog appear. Everyone couldn't see. Melody looked around. She tried feeling her way out. "Melody"

Melody turned around and saw a young lady. She had pink and white hair, her eyes were blue, she was as siren, and she was white tone. "Who are you"said melody

"I am hope. Im your mom. Melody you have to leave. Run away with your sister. Protect her. But melody be careful"said hope

"Why mom"said melody

"You are like your father. Jealous, hate, rage will get you. Please melody stay safe. Make sure your sister is safe too. You have a monster inside. Don't let it out"said hope

Hope dissapeared. Melody had her eyes open wide in fear. Melody felt a hand on her shoulder. She saw sea "lets go"

Sea swam away with melody. Harmony was still fighting jazz. Wave got infront of harmony. "Go follow your mom!"said wave

Harmony nodded and looked for her mom. Sea signaled harmony to come. Harmony swam to them. But were stopped by Ripwave. "Where are you ladies going?"said Ripwave

"Swim! Melody and harmony swim!"said sea

Melody and harmony swam away while sea fought off Ripwave. Harmony then remembered about the portal

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