chapter 22: gathering the group

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Harmony and melody ran in. They saw everything was broken. "Harmony!"said acoustic

Acoustic hugged harmony and kissed her cheek. Melody looked around for celcious. "Where is celcious!"said melody

"He left"said sonata

Celcious ran in "is everyone okay?"

"Celcious!"said melody

Melody hugged celcious. "Is hope okay"said celcious

"Yes she is fine"said sonata

"What happened?"said harmony

"We were just here and then someone fires at our house"said knuckles

"Melody we need to find him and stop him!"said harmony

"I know harmony. But we can't fight him. We will need help. We are dealing with someone who is just as powerful as us"said melody

"We can help"said tulip

"You can't help us"said melody

"Why?"said dragon

"Because this is equestrian sea magic"said melody

"We can help. We are sirens"said sonata

"I can help too"said cherry

"Thanks guys"said melody

Harmony then remembered something. She looked at celcious. Celcious was kinda shaky. "Celcious do you think you can help us steal his power?"said harmony

"No i can't. I can't help you or melody"said celcious

"Why?"said harmony

"Because I can't okay"said celcious

Celcious looked away and sighed. He just can't tell her or melody the truth. He just couldn't

-With sea and wave back in equestria-

Wave and sea were getting ready for bed. Its been years since they had seen harmony. They wished she was still here. "Wave honey, do you ever wonder what harmony is up to?"said sea

"I do sea dear. But she has to live her life wherever she is"said wave

They both got in bed. Wave turned off the lights. Then screaming was heard. And everything went silent

when two worlds collideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang