Chapter 3:

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My heart raced as his words ran a ruckus in my head. "You scared?"

"I don't do scared, asshole. Bring it on."I growled, joining our hands and placing my other hand on his shoulder.

He grinned and spun me as we waltzed about the library. Soon enough we had finished dancing and my cheeks were hurting from all the laughing he made me do.

I let go of him and I smiled."That was the most fun I've ever had."I blushed. He nodded and opened his mouth to say something when his phone rang.

"Hey, baby, you get there safely?"He turned away from me and answering his phone.

What was I thinking? He has a girlfriend. Besides, I'm a six and he's a ten. He's so fit I'm insecure.

I looked away, grabbing a romance novel and walking away, not wanting to hear their conversation. It seemed much too private.

I wish I had someone like Reed had someone. I opened the door and left, deciding to go out to the gardens to read my book in the sun.

I sat on a patio chair and opened the book.

'Lorenzo had always been a careless guy but with her he was different. Careful and safe. It scared him. But he loved her.'

Shit, this is too cliché. I shut the book and just leaned back, closing my eyes.

I hummed the tune of the song I sang a few days ago while I was in the tub, playing with the bubbles.

"What are you doing?"a voice startled me and the bubble hat I was making on my head broke.

"Reed, what the Hell!?"I gasped, covering myself.

"I heard splashing around so I thought you were in trouble..."He blushed.

"Well as you can see, I'm fine. Now get the fuck out."I glared at him.

He held his hands up in surrender as he backed out,"Alright alright."

I waited until he was out the door before I got out, no longer in the mood to play with the bubbles. I wrapped the towel around myself and I walked out, finding him sitting on my bed. By my clothes. Holding the photo of my mother."Why do you have a picture of Joslyn?"He looked up at me.

"Why are you in my room? I thought I told you to get the fuck out."I raised a brow

He sighed,"Lucifer sent me to check up on you. Apparently, he saw you out in the gardens and you 'looked so sad' so he thought I could get you to talk. I also wanted to ask you a few questions."

"That can wait and I'm fine. Out."I pointed at the door. He raised a brow at me and still sat there, crossing his arms, eyes scanning my body.

"Nope. Not until you tell me why you have a picture of Joslyn."He looked at me pointedly.

"Alright then." I began to unwrap my towel from around myself and he jumped up.

"Jesus, I'm going! Just keep yourself covered."He was out the door in a flash and I chuckled. My smile fell as I sat on my bed.

I sighed and began drying myself off, getting dressed. I picked up the photo of mama and put it in my jean pocket, grabbing my phone and walking out.

I found myself walking to Lucifer's office. "Da-Lucifer, I need some money. For my school supplies? If I'm to be here, I'd like to continue my studies."I raised a brow at him.

"Of course, Princess. Here's my card. Spend as much as you need. I'll have Reed take you to the mall as a bodyguard."He smiled.

I found myself smiling in return,"Thanks Lucifer."I said softly, knowing he heard me as I walked out.

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