22 - Investigation

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Warning(s): mentions of murder/crime, a crime scene, abuse and violence, smoking, mild language

This section mentions an abuser murdering their ex and their ex's current partner (no gory details). Please read at your own discretion.

"We've got a double homicide in the apartment building on the corner of 10th and Palm, we need you to come down immediately."

"Don't you guys have investigators on your team? Why do you need me?"

"The chief requested you specifically. Wouldn't tell us why, just to get you down here immediately."

She sighed. "Alright, I'm on my way."

As she set the phone back in the cradle, she swore under her breath.

"Just when I think I'm gonna have a relaxing evening..."

She stubbed out her cigarette and stood. She grabbed her overcoat, which she wore just to poke fun at the investigator stereotype, and swept out the door, heading for her parked car.

She usually got called to minor crimes, like shoplifting and an occasional kidnapping. But recently, she kept getting called to more and more homicide investigations. She knew it was because of her abilities, and she sometimes briefly regretted advertising her powers. But then she'd help bring a criminal to justice and would help grieving and worried families and she would remember why she put herself in this line of work in the first place.

She remembered that dark night all too well. Sometimes she still heard her husband's screams. Still remembered how powerless she had been. How terrified. How utterly and completely helpless. And they'd never caught the perpetrator.

After she discovered her powers, she swore to never let it happen to anyone else.

It had been 6 years and the number of murderers she brought to justice was steadily increasing.

She drove quickly to the location, not wanting to waste a single moment. She took the stairs inside the apartment complex two at a time before arriving at the scene.

"Ms. Gregory, thank you for coming so quickly."

Her resolve grew stronger when she heard her husband's last name. She had kept it for exactly this reason. To keep his memory alive and to remind her of what she swore to do. And as part of her promise to be committed to him in life and in death.

"Luckily, I didn't have anything else going on tonight."

The officer didn't laugh at her attempt at humor. "The bodies are over here."

She let the officer lead her to the bodies that were covered with plastic sheets.

"I'll let you do your thing."

"Thank you, officer."

She was left alone - or as alone as one could be at a crime scene - with the bodies. She kneeled and partially pulled back the sheets on both bodies, revealing two young and beautiful women. She placed her hands on their arms, took a deep breath and concentrated.

All the sounds around her faded out as she became hyper-focused on the bodies. After a minute, she felt the telltale rush of cold travel the length of her body.

She looked up to see two very confused spirits looking between their bodies and her.

"What the hell is going on?" one demanded.

"My name is Samantha Gregory, I'm a freelance investigator. I had to contact you two ladies to ask you a few questions."

"Are you like a séance?" The same spirit demanded, the other remaining silent.

"Of sorts," Samantha said. "I can contact those who have passed on. Now, I want you two ladies to tell me everything that happened leading up to your murder."

They looked hesitantly at her.

"You can trust me. I only want to help, I promise," she reassured them softly.

One took a deep breath. "Okay...

We were on our way to a girls night out. A double date, if you will. It was pretty spontaneous, and we were really looking forward to it. We were just finishing getting ready...Emma was putting on her shoes and I was trying to find my keys, when we heard something ram the door. We froze. A couple seconds later, the door had been broken down and my ex-boyfriend rushed in. He..."

She choked up a little.

"He shot Emma. And then he began to yell at me and beat me." She swallowed hard. "The last thing I remember is seeing Emma's body next to me."

She took a minute to compose herself. "He was jealous I'd moved on and killed my girlfriend in front of me."

The other spirit, Emma  nodded. "I never wanted Wendy to get hurt like this. I knew of her ex, and I wanted to do everything to protect her. But I failed."

"It wasn't your fault, Emma," Wendy insisted.

"She's right, Emma, it wasn't your fault," Samantha interjected.

Emma nodded.

"What is your ex's address, if you can recall?"

Wendy rattled off the man's address and Samantha wrote it down in a notebook she always carried with her.

"Is there anything else I should know about him?"

"He's very dangerous. And it's pretty bad when he gets angry. Just be careful," Wendy said.

Samantha nodded. "I will be. Thank you, ladies. I'm truly sorry for what happened."

"Samantha?" Emma piped up.

"Yes, Emma?"

"Don't let him get away with this. Please."

Samantha's heart simultaneously hardened with resolve and broke in sorrow. "He won't, not as long as I have anything to say about it."

"Thank you," Emma whispered.

Samantha nodded once. "I have to get back to the investigation, so I have to let you guys go."

They nodded.

"We trust you," Wendy said.

Samantha smiled faintly. "Thank you. He won't get away with this, I promise."

They nodded again and Samantha broke the connection. Another rush of cold made her whole body shudder, and suddenly she could hear the incessant noise of the crime scene again. She arranged the sheets the way they were before and stood. She paused, looking down at the small, feminine outlines beneath the sheets, not really seeing the sheets, but the beautiful couple she'd just left.

"So?" A timid voice broke her trance. It was the officer again. "Any luck?"

She nodded. "I've got a name and a possible location."

The officer nodded. "We're on it. You coming with?"

Samantha briefly looked down at the bodies of the couple. "Yeah. Got a promise to keep."

A/N: I'm sorry, this is one of the darker short stories I've ever written, I didn't mean to freak anyone out or make them uncomfortable. I think this'll be the darkest section I'll write for this challenge.

I'm working super hard to catch up, I promise! I know I'm a week behind and the month ends on Saturday/Sunday, but I don't have school tomorrow so I'm hoping to crank out some sections. This might continue into November a little, but we'll see.

Remember to take care of yourself and your mental health! Drink some water, go to the bathroom, stretch out, look away from your screen for a minute or two, say hi to a pet or a friend or a family member or a neighbor.

You are loved! ❤️

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