Lancelot And Merlin

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It had been a week since Katherine came to Gwaine's life, and everyone in the castle loved her.

-You know, Merlin... I think you should tell Gwaine about your secret.

-Why? I mean, what if he hates me?

-He won't. He has no problem with magic, that's for sure.

-For sure? What do you mean? Do you know something I don't?

-Yeah, but if tell you, he'll kill us both.

-Then... Are you absolutely sure he won't hate me?

-I am.


-Gwaine, can I talk to you?

-Merlin! Oh, I'm so glad you're here... We can talk later, I have a patrol and I'm already late. Can you take care of my little girl? Thank you! - And with that, he put the baby in his arms and went to patrol.

-Is your daddy against magic, little one? Will he hate me? - recognizing the word 'hate' the little girl started to cry

Merlin made sure no one was around. Lancelot was there, but he already knew. He sat down, sat the girl in front of him, and made a beautiful blue butterfly appear. She stopped crying almost immediately, and laughed. Her eyes flashed gold, and around ten more blue butterflies flew around her.

-Told you. Gwaine is not against magic, if he were, he wouldn't love this little angel so much, would he? - Lancelot picked the baby up

-Maybe he doesn't know...

-Oh, believe me, he does. Come, let's go to my chambers and entertain Katherine there, without risking your lives.


When Gwaine returned, we went to Gaius' chambers, expecting to find Merlin and the baby, but just the physician was there.

-Gaius, where's Merlin?

-I don't know. He said he would talk to you, and he didn't come back after that. He's not with Arthur, since he gave him the day off. Ask Lancelot.

Without wasting a moment, we went to Lancelot's chambers, and when he opened the door, he could see a lot of butterflies in there. He entered, and closed the door, seeing the knight sitting on a chair, tickling the baby, and Merlin sleeping on the bed.

-What do you think you're doing!? You are risking my daughter's life! You're lucky that it was me who came in, Lancelot, but if it was Arthur or any other person, and my little girl died because of it...!

-Gwaine, you're scaring her. - He shut up immediately, looked at his daughter, who stared at him about to cry, and took her in his arms.

-I'm sorry, my little butterfly. I'm just worried about you. - He started humming and lullaby that his mother used to sing to him, and the girl calmed down. - Sorry, Lance. Thank you for making my princess laugh. I guess I was jealous that you made her laugh when I can barely make her smile.

-It's alright, I understand. You are a good dad, though. You make her happy, and you love her so much, you stopped going to the tavern so you can spend time with her.

-Yeah, but I can't make her laugh like you did.

-You can calm her. She was crying for about half an hour before we could finally calm her down. With you, she falls asleep in a minute. Anyway, I think Merlin wanted to talk to you.

-Right. What is it, Merlin?

-I just wanted to confess something...

-Ah, so it's about your magic. It took you long enough.

-You knew?

-Yeah. I had my suspicions since we first met, I mean, flying plates? Really? And then 'Courage, strength and magic'? It was quite obvious.

-Why didn't you tell me that you knew? Do you know how hard it is to keep it secret?

-I have a daughter with magic, she has been here for a week, and the two of you already know. So yes, I know how hard it is.

-Then why?

-I wanted to see if you would tell me first, of if I would get too drunk and tell you. - there was a silence before Lancelot spoke.

-Wait... And you knew that I knew?


-Then you knew that I would keep Katherine's secret, and yet you threatened me?

-Yeah, well, I couldn't take any risks, could I? - Lancelot looked offended - Anyway, it's bedtime for this little girl, so say goodbye, little butterfly - his daughter babbled sleepy looking at Merlin and Lancelot. They both smiled and waved goodbye.

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