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Gwaine was now almost completely healed, but he still wasn't able to train, go on patrols, basically be a knight, and he loved that, since he could spend almost all day with his little girl, and he didn't need anyone to babysit her, so he wouldn't have to worry about her secret.

He still had to attend to every Round Table meeting, but Arthur had gave him permission to take his daughter to them (mostly thanks to Gwen), as long as she didn't distract them.


Everyone was talking at the same time, Arthur was trying to shut them up, but they just wouldn't. For the baby it was too much, she started to cry, and everyone finally shut up and looked at her. Gwaine quickly calmed her down.

-So... I tried to calm y'all down for around ten minutes and she did so immediately?

-Yeah - someone answered and Arthur laughed, followed by everyone else, even the baby.

The room was soon filled with butterflies, most of them blue. Gwaine started to panic and tried to stop the baby's laughter, but it just made her laugh even more. Obviously, everyone noticed the butterflies, Gwaine trying to stop her, and the baby's eyes shining every now and then.

-She has magic...

Gwaine stood up, drew his sword and, slowly, walked away from his friends, staring at them. They would obey their King's orders, even if that meant killing a baby or a friend. Surprisingly, Leon drew his sword too, but instead of pointing it to Gwaine, he stood protectively in front of him.

-I won't let them get her, Gwaine, I'll protect her even if I die doing so. - he whispered, before slowly pointing his sword to Arthur

-Leon... You do realize what you're doing is treason, don't you?

-I do, Arthur, but I don't care.

Lancelot slowly stood up and walked to them, making them both point their swords to him. He raised his hands to make them see he meant no harm to the baby or to them, and stood next to Leon.

-You too?

-She's a baby, and the daughter of a friend. I can't let you hurt her. Besides, she harmed no one with her magic - Percival and Elyan joined them after a moment

-I don't know if I should be angry 'cause you are choosing her over your king, or proud 'cause you're protecting an innocent, but I'm definitely angry 'cause you think I would harm her.

-Wait... You won't?

-Of course I won't! I mean, yes, magic is illegal, but I won't kill a baby! Specially not just for making butterflies appear, it didn't harm anyone! I'm not my father. As long as she doesn't use it to harm my people, I won't punish her just for being herself.

-Thank you, Arthur, thank you so much...

-Yeah, yeah, now, you traitors, I believe the meeting isn't over, is it? Sit down.

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