Percival And Elyan

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Gaius returned to his chambers when he heard the baby crying, expecting to see Gwaine dead, but instead, he seemed even better than he was a few minutes ago.


-Hi, Gaius.

-How are you still alive? I mean, I thought you would die...

-Yeah, uh... I don't know. But I feel better.

-Well, seems like you do have a chance to live, if I hurry, that is. But I can't work with your daughter here.

-I know. Give her to one of my friends, please, I don't really care who, I just want to live.

Gaius took the baby in his arms and left. Just outside were all the knights and the queen, looking really sad. When they saw the physician with the baby, they assumed the father had passed away.

-He's alive. I was wrong, he may live, but I need one of you to take care of her

Leon, without hesitation, took her from the old man, who quickly returned to where Gwaine was. The baby looked at Leon and stopped crying immediately. He sat on the floor and started to play with her (this time she did play, instead of just staring), ignoring the other knights.

-Do we all agree, if Gwaine doesn't make it, Leon should be the one taking care of her? - Elyan asked.

Percival, Lancelot and Gwen nodded. She had a huge smile on her face, knowing that baby was like a second chance to him. He smiled too; if Gwaine passed away, he would protect his daughter, he wouldn't let her die like he let die his own baby girl. And that would mean protecting her secret even from his friends.

-You would be such a good father... - Leon's face darkened

-No, I wouldn't.

-You would. When I took care of her, it took me ages to calm her down. With you, it took less than a minute.

-Still, I would be the worst father ever.

-No, you would not.

-I would! - the baby looked at him, scared - No, no, I'm sorry... Shhhh, everything's fine, I would never hurt you - when she smiled again, Leon stood up, and gave her to Elyan - I would be a terrible father - he said before leaving

-I'll talk to him... - the queen murmured, before following him, leaving only Percival, Elyan and Lancelot there, confused.

-Why does he think he wouldn't be a good father?

-I don't know. He definitely would.

-He probably has his reasons. Anyway, good luck with her, I have some stuff to do. - and with that, Lancelot walked away.

-So, uh... Do you know how to take care of a baby, Percy?

-Nope. I can take care of children, but not that little.

-Well, that's better than nothing, isn't it? - he gave her to the taller man, who barely knew how to hold her.

-Fine, but you will stay and help.

-Yeah, sure...

-Don't try to run.

-I won't.

-I'm serious.

Elyan nodded, waited a minute and tried to run, but Percival blocked his way. To the sudden move, Katherine started to cry. The two knights looked at each other with panic, not knowing what to do. Before any of them could do something, she just calmed down and started to laugh, looking at a yellow butterfly.

-That girl is weird. She cries one second and laughs the next.

-Yeah, well, her father is weird, too. Besides, Elyan, Gwaine has said many times that she likes butterflies.



They had been taking turns all day to take care of her. The moon was already up and they both were tired, but she simply wouldn't sleep.

-You are just like your father was before meeting you. You sleep whenever you want during the day, but stay up all night. Why can't you be a good girl and close your pretty eyes? - the door opened and Merlin entered Percival's room

- Gwaine says he wants his daughter back.

-That's such a Gwaine way to put it... Here, give him his little demon. - Percival gave him the baby

-And tell him we wish him luck making her sleep - Elyan added.

The girl babbled and two butterflies, this time yellow, appeared, flying one around each knight. Merlin pretended not to notice and got out of the room to Gwaine's, so he could give her to him. The knights just stood there, shocked.

-Did the butterflies appear out of nowhere?

-Yeah... Did her eyes turn gold for a second, or was it just me?

-No... She has magic

-Oh... Alright.

Gwaine's Little Butterfly Where stories live. Discover now