She Stays With Me

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-So let me get this right... Gwaine, the most irresponsible knight... Has a daughter?

-Yes. Get that girl, and you'll have all the knights of the Round Table doing what you want, even kill the king.

-All of them? Even Leon?

-Leon is willing to die for her.

-How do you know that?

-The baby has magic. Arthur found out and we all thought he would kill her, so the knights were ready to fight him. Leon was the first to stand by Gwaine.

-She has magic? Well, that makes things easier. Kill her, and make it seem like it was my dear brother. Make it seem like he changed his mind about her.

-That won't work. He likes the girl too. We all do, honestly. But there's someone who's willing to bring her to you.



-Elizabeth, what are you doing here?

-I came for my daughter.

-Oh, no, she stays with me.

-I gave her to you 'cause she wasn't safe with me. Now I moved, so she will be safe.

-You could have moved since the beginning. Instead, you gave her to me, and that's the best thing you've ever done. She's happy here.

-She was happy with me, too. By the way, where is she?

-With a friend of mine.

-What if they find out about her magic? Gwaine, she's way safer with me.

-They already know, and the king himself has no problem with it.

-Just give me my daughter. I miss her.

-Yeah, well, I'm sorry, but she is not leaving. All I can do for you is take you to see her. But that's it. A visit, no more.


-Leon, this is Elizabeth, Kathy's mother.

-Oh, uh... Hello. I'm Leon, Gwaine's friend and Katherine's unofficial babysitter, it seems.

-Not anymore. I'm taking her back - she tried to take her from him, but the baby screamed and grabbed Leon's shirt.

-You are here to visit her. Besides, she doesn't want to leave.

-She must come with me. You may be her father, but you weren't there when she was born, were you? You weren't there her first months.

-No, but I was there when she said her first words, when she learned to crawl, I've been there for her when she tries to stand and when she falls. I know who and what she likes and doesn't like. And, obviously, she doesn't like you anymore.

-No baby rejects their mother.

-Maybe she doesn't see you as her mother, then - Gwaine said, and Leon couldn't help but laugh at the face the woman made. She was so offended...

-Look, uh... Elizabeth, right? Katherine is happy here. She loves her dad, and she is very, very special. If you are worried about her, I promise I will let no harm come to her. But, please, let her stay here. I'm begging you, don't take her away.

-Why would you care if I take my daughter with me or not?

-Believe or not, she's very special to me. She's helping me get over the death of my own daughter, she's helping me be myself again.

-Fine. But take good care of her, protect her with your life.

-We will.


-I couldn't get her, but believe me, they will do exactly what you want if that means she's safe. I don't understand how can they love her so much, though. All I wanted was to get rid of her. At least she will be useful for once.

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