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Another party is in full swing and Blaire is upset by Robin talking to Law. Blaire is a wonderful girl but is extremely jealous and sensitive,Blaire glares over in anger catching Law's attention only after she walked outside crying. Zoro was outside "hey,you and traffy okay? Why ya crying?" Zoro asks with genuine concern "Law has ignored me all night he'd rather be around Robin.." Zoro replies "I'm sure it's not like that the way Traffy talks about you." Blaire wipes her eyes "he.. he talks about me..?: Blaire asks Zoro replies "as his best friend I hear all the time about how beautiful you are,how lucky he is to have you.." Blaire and Zoro simultaneously look over to Robin who has placed her hand on Law's "Blaire come back!" Zoro yells but you're blindly running not sure where you even are going,you fall on the rocks and cry.. All the painful memories of the rape,the abuse,the pain she hid for so long. Blaire could hear Zoro and Law calling her but kept on walking away. As she did in every betrayal situation Zoro sees you though "there you are.. look I talked to Robin,she admitted she was flirting." Blaire replies "well he could've walked away.. I can't trust anyone... I just ...just leave me alone I'm taking a walk. " Blaire storms off as Zoro turns back "shes extremely angry,she said shes taking a walk but shes not really in a good mental state Law,she is right you could've walked away." Law replied almost crying "I had no idea she'd get so upset,Robin touched my hand and I pulled away. But neither of you saw that cuz she ran off..." Zoro replies "Bro,let's go grab a drink she'll be back. She just needs to clear her mind." Law crys "I love her Ronora,she's gonna be my wife.. I told Robin that to she thought I was single she had no idea." Zoro replies "want some advice traffy? Ladies dont like other ladies stealing the attention of her man,her fiance. You did blow her off all night... she spent most the night with nami and Franky drinking.. shes broken Law,she needs reassurance. She needs to be able to feel her feelings.. and extra attention." Law replied "your right,she has been broken by every person in her life before she met us.."

Blaire walks back drunk as can be completely mentally broken  but it gets worse when shes attacked and forced to fight She pulls out Kora ready to roll when she realizes its Dom "Gonna get you now bitch!" Dom hits you with a blast you block with your blade Blaire knows shes to weak but fights anyway. Dom grabs her throat just close enough to the pub to gain the attention of Patrons shes thrown and a gun pointed at her head,Blaire knows one shot from that gun shes dead. This guy killed her mom.. suddenly Zoro and Law step in front of you and are able to make Dom retreat, Law even fatally wounded Dom "Blaire.. babygirl please listen I am sorry I ignored you all night.. I love you and only you when Robin grabbed my hand I pulled away.. I didnt mean to hurt you.." Zoro steps away  Blaire replies "I'm damaged I get that.... I'm not the best... I'm sorry.. Robin's so pretty I understand why you'd want her over me... I'm always the last resort." Law holds you and replies " hey hey baby it's okay I'm not perfect either.. I know you've been hurt and I'm gonna fix you.. I'll do whatever I need to.. please forgive me Blaire... I don't want to lose you" Law sheds tears,Blaire cries to "oh Traffy,I forgive you always.. i love you i do... i need you to complete me..." Law is stunned silent,humbled by your admission " need me?" Law asks Blaire replies "more then anything. I never felt this way about anyone... You're my soul mate and If I lose you.... I'll literally die from heartbreak.." Law held you and replies "Blaire I need you to.. we are soulmates? What's a soulmate?" Blaire places her hand on Law's heart and his on hers "A soulmate is kinda like a best friend,only your not only connected by heart but by soul. A soul mate is a deep love where you grow old together and 50 years later still have that same love you did initially." Law replies "I want to spend the rest of our lives waking up to you. Kissing your sleepy face in the early morning, kiss your tired cheek at night. I love you Blaire." Blaire sighs so sexy it makes Law shudder she replies shakily "I love you traffy." Law scoops you up bridal style to bring you to bed. No sex tonight it's a after care night of cuddles and listening as Blaire pours her heart out "it started when I turned 14... my mom had this boyfriend.. he use to sneak into my room and molest me touch me...finger me.. he even raped me violently I was 14 I was scared..I never spoke of it. Mom broke up with him..Then I finally left at 15 and ran away I met what I thought was a good man.. He ended up beating me and torturing me... I ran away after he nearly killed me a tried to make it look like a suicide.. I ended up back home then at 16... Dom hired by N.W.G killed my mom cuz she was found to be helping fugitives.. All this messed me up Law... I still have nightmares.. I know that's alot and I told you I was fucked up..." Law holds you "shh baby it's not your fault,you was a kid what could you do? It's not your fault.. I'm sorry you went threw all that.. and I'm happy you told me.." Blaire cries "I never told anyone it feels like a weights been lifted thank you for loving me." Blaire broke down while Law laid beside her holding her as she cried "let it out baby,let go of the pain.. give it to me." Law said as you screamed and cried it hurt Law deeply to see Blaire broken,and that his little action bought a total emotional collapse of his soul mate. But he knows her crying and screaming is her finally releasing all the pain, she finally told someone and can start to heal. Blaire cried herself to sleep,Law held her "tomorrow will be a better day my love, your admissions are safe with me.. you'll never be hurt again.. that's a promise just give me a name.." Law said stroking his loves face resting his head on hers "I love you beautiful 20 more days and you'll be my wife." Law smiled as he fell asleep.

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