A Near Tragedy

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Blaire cries as Doffy tightens his stranglehold "this ones a fighter ain't she traffy?" He squeezes harder angering Law. You hide your fear at seeing Doflamingo put his infamous gun to her head but changes heart and shoots you in the side "Dam it Dof!." Law screams as he breaks the god threads with such power, luckily Blaire's haki is ready as she glows a deep red aura around her "puppet master!" Suddenly Doflamingo is paralyzed Blaire painfully smirks "it's a new technique doffy. I control your movement your my puppet." Doflamingo laughs as he shoots you again. Blaire maintains control but is relieved by zoro busting in. Law and Zoro fight while Blaire touches her stomach and feels her baby move "thank god he didn't kill Layla." Ypu painfully crawl to find someway to treat your bullet wounds Blaire finds booze and wrappings. She takes a swig,using the alcohol to clean the wounds letting out a guttural primitive painful growl,Law rushes over to you immediately knowing what to do "Zoro I gotta take her in,doffy retreated laughing,Blaire cried as Law placed her in the medical bay "stay still." Law gets to work sanitizing and stitching your wounds while you cried Law asks teary eyed "is Layla okay?" Law asks touching your stomach,he feels Layla kick and move. "Shes okay baby,shes a fighter like us." Blaire is only 4 months pregnant but it's starting to show,Law hugs you relief washed over him "thank goodness,shes already a strong baby." Law walked out to inform the anxious strawhats "She's stable,shes really weak but she'll survive. Also Layla is okay moving around and has a strong heartbeat." Everyone was excited for a new baby since the heart and strawhat merger happend "Shes a little fighter that's my niece!" Zoro says excitedly wrapping an arm around Law. Blaire takes it all in before walking to a lower deck,Law talked with zoro for a minute while Blaire cried "I almost lost you,I havent even met you and I already almost lost you.." Blaire says to herself Nami walks over "you okay mama?" Nami asks Blaire replies "yeah I just  I almost lost baby Layla..." nami replies "thought about taking a break from fighting til you deliver?" Blaire replies "I didn't go looking to get ambushed by dofladouche." You both laughed "I like that dofladouche." Nami says "shoot I got to go,gotta map out our next journey night mama." Nami runs off to get to work you sit by yourself until Law joins you "hey beautiful,you doing okay?" Law asks Blaire squeezes her eyes shut as tears falls down her cheeks "hey babygirl,cheer up.. our wedding is only 2  days away." Blaire still cries into Law's shoulder concerning him deeply "I know I'm excited I cant wait.. I'm just hurt I almost lost Layla.. I let my guard down.." Law stops you and reassuringly says "you was ambushed my love,not your fault and Layla is strong shes a fighter like us. Dont be sad you did good... you took bullets to keep Layla safe that right there is heroic." Blaire looks down "well I'm no hero and I did and would again I'd die for Layla to live."Law kisses you deeply "your an amazing mother already,I just hope I can be a good father." Blaire replies placing Law's hand to her stomach "you'll be an amazing dad,your already an amazing lover,a devoted captain and a former warlord of the sea!" Law enjoyed hearing you boast about him he Carrie's you to bed and lays you down "spread." Law demanded you oblige "good girl." Law sticks 2 fingers in you making you gasp at the sudden shift "oh trafy." Blaire moans Law started licking you while fingering you making you come so hard "so needy." Law growled "do you need me Blaire?" Law asks Blaire replies almost begging "always my love,I need you Trafalgar!" Law loves the way you say his name "no sex tonight to risky." Blaire replies "okay oral night it is." Blaire moved down to be face to face with Law's member. She took him in purposely humming against his testicles which drove Law wild he starts fucking you're face as he devours between your legs you move your hips as Blaire and Law climax simultaneously and come face to face to make out,trying to catch their breath. "So am I the best you had or what?" Law asks cockily  Blaire replies "considering your my first yes you are the best,I dont want noone else." Law kisses you again examining how pale Blaire was "awe baby your pale,its okay it's from being tired. Nothing to be concerned about" Law says laying you down and holding you "now get some rest doctors orders." Law says tapping his chest you happily lay on his chest,resting his hand on your bump and holding it there "4 months and we'll have Layla here." Law replies "I cant wait to be a daddy,a husband have a family. I love you to the end of existence." Blaire replies "I love you for infinity." Law kisses your head before he rests his head  on yours.

Law's Girl: A one piece fanfiction Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat