If I Was In: The Walking Dead Season 4-5

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Episode 15 Season 4
(Daryl hunting):

Me: Gotta find Daryl. Important character
development I'm missing.
Daryl: *In the not so far distance* It ain't yours.
Me: *Laughs evilly as I sneak over*
Daryl: *Hears me laughing* Oh no.
Me: *Tackles him to the ground*

Episode 10 Season 5
(Rick talking about his grandpa):

Rick: I asked my grandpa if he ever killed any
Germans in the war. He wouldn't answer. He
said that was grown-up stuff, so... so I asked if
the Germans ever tried to kill him. But he got
real quiet. He said he was dead the minute he
stepped into enemy territory. Every day he
woke up and told himself, "Rest in peace. Now
get up and go to war." And then after a few years
of pretneding he was dead... he made it out alive.
That's the trick of it, I think. We do what we need to
do and then we get to live. But no matter what we
find in DC, I know we'll be okay. Because this is how
we survive. We tell ourselves... that we are the walking dead.
*Rick looks over to see me crying*
Rick: What's wrong with you now?
Me: It's an emotional moment.
Daryl: I have no idea how you lived this long.
Me: Cause I'm awsome.
Daryl: You're not even allowed a weapon.
Me: You guys are my weapons. Your fault for
helping me all the time.

Episode 11 Season 5
(Meeting Aaron):

Maggie: Hey. Everyone... This is-
Everyone: Ignore her.
Me: The history!

(Aaron explaining Alexandria):

Sasha: He wants us to audition for membership.
Aaron: I wish there was another word. Audition
it sound like we're some kind of dance troupe. That's
only on Friday nights *Me laughing in the background*.
Um, and it's not a camp. It's a community. I think you
all would make valuable additions.
*Me crying tears of joy*
Me: You think I'd be a valuable addition?
Rick: Well, we're not going.
Daryl: Anyone that thinks she'd be a valuable addition
can't be trusted.
Me: No, we're going. If you don't go I'll annoy you all
until your final breath.
Rick: So we're going?
Everyone: *Nods*
Aaron: That was easier then I thought.

Episode 12 Season 5
(Entering Alexandria):

*Daryl shoots possum*
Daryl: We brought dinner.
Me: Yay!
Rick: Okay, don't say anything stupid. I'm looking
at you.
Me: Since when have I ever said anything stupid?

(Interview with Deanna):

Deanna: I've been waiting to talk to you.
Me: Really?
Deanna: Yes. Everyone has been talking about
Me: What did they say?
Deanna: That you annoy them to no end and
they have no idea how you have survived so
Me: Oh, well that makes sense.
Deanna: How have you survived?
Me: Honestly?
Deanna: Truly.
Me: I have no idea.


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