If I Was In: The Walking Dead Season 6-7

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Episode 16 Season 6
(On our knees in front of Negan):

Negan: And I do not appreciate you killing my men.
Also, when I sent my people to kill your people for
killing my people, you killed more of my people.
Me: That was a lot of... killing, people, you, and
my in there.
Abraham: For the love of god shut up.

Episode 1 Season 7
(On our knees in front of Negan):

*Negan just finishes killing off Abraham*
Me: Wow. That was... That was brutal.
Negan: Not even a tear from you. Jesus what's
wrong with you.
Me: Believe me, the-
*Daryl punches Negan*
Me: Oh yeah. That's how that goes down.
Negan: That... Is a no-no.
Me: Okay, before you go further, can you stop
monologuing? I mean it's kinda, ho-ho classic
villain, long monologue-
*Negan kills Glenn*
Me: Welp, there goes two. Eye can't believe it.
The Group: *Crying*
Saviors: *Staring*
Me: You're right. Too soon. Eye am truly sorry.
Negan: Okay, seriously, what is wrong with this
Me: Alright. I will finally give an answer to that
question everyone asks.
*I take in a deep breath*
Me: It's how I cope. I make horrible jokes at
terrible moments so I don't have a mental break
down in front of people only to cry myself to sleep
because I get attached easily and I don't want people
to know that I'm dying inside with every passing
Everyone: ...
Negan: Jesus.
Me: Eye am really sorry.

(If Glenn had a funeral):

*Maggie crying*
Me: I'd like to say a few words.
Everyone: *Staring*
Me: Glenn Rhee was a great person. He was my
unofficial best friend. A valued member of the
Everyone: ...
Me: He was a pizza deliver before all this. And
I know he loved everyone one of us. He protected
us, he helped each and every one of us. Rick and I
wouldn't be here today if it weren't for Glenn.
Rick: *Whispering* This may actually be good.
Me: He really kept an eye out for the group.
Rick: I take it back.


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