Chapter 2: CHRISTMAS

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"CHRISTMAS!CHRISTMAS! I'M GONNA OPEN ALL MY PRESENTS NOW!" Jr shouted. "No Jr, you need to wait until the 25th. "We better not summon the devil himself," Rodan said. "Rodan, I've never wanted to say this but, you're insane," I told Rodan. "daddy? what is Christmas about?" Jr brought up out of no where. "Uh, well you see son, Christmas is the time of year when friends and family come to celebrate," I told him that. Just then, Mothra and a darker moth came in. "Daddy, is that family?" Jr asked. I quickly told him that they were just friends I know. "Oh okay," he replied. We began to open the presents. Rodan got another certificate that said he would babysit Godzilla jr for 2 months. "OH NO, I'M NOT GONNA DO THAT AGAIN! HE'S GONNA SUMMON THE DEVIL FOR THE 746th TIME, AND POSSESS ME, AND TOKYO WILL BE DESTROYED IN A WEEK!" Rodan complained. "Then I guess you'd like to babysit him for the rest of your life, and this one LAST time?" I said. "OK FINE, but just to get out of this job," Rodan said sourly. Then he got a cross. "What's this for?" he asked. I told that it only works on evils like King Ghidorah. "Sweet," Rodan said. Later, after everything was said and done, everyone went home. "So, daddy? why did everyone get their presents except me and those moth people?" Jr asked. "Because Rodan had his dates wrong, so he thought it was Christmas," I said. "But why does Santa only come once a year?" He asked. I was pretty confused. I didn't want to tell him Santa wasn't real, because he was still a child. So I told what made sense to me. "Well you see son, for the rest of the year, he's in prison for breaking and entering," I said.

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