Chapter 4: Evil Villains Unite

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Ghidorah's POV


Ghidorah as.................................................Mecha King Ghidorah

Destoroyah as..............................................Destoroyah

Gigan as.......................................................Modified Gigan

Mechagodzilla as.........................................Kiryu

Orga as.........................................................Orga

SpaceGodzilla as..........................................SpaceGodzilla

Megalon as....................................................Megalon

Megaguirus as...............................................Megaguirus

"So, when will we begin the meeting," Destoroyah asked. "As soon as my repairs are done," I said. "Yep, you sure took a beating," Kiryu said. "I was lucky that only 2 of my heads survived," Mecha Ghidorah said. "Consider yourself lucky," Gigan said. "Orga, you left the evil fridge open again," Megaguirus complained, "My boyfriend will think I'm malnourished if he sees me like this." "Hey guys, sorry I'm late," SpaceGodzilla said. "Gosh, lets get this over with so I can make out with my boyfriend," Megaguirus said. "NOBODY CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT," Mecha Ghidorah shouted. I was getting real annoyed. I even almost got Mothra to be a queen. "We will make Mothra my QUEEN," I said "Didn't you already try that, and it failed miserably," Kiryu asked. I told him, that if we kidnap her and force her to be my queen, with the threat that Godzilla would be killed, she'd accept. "You sure that will work," Orga asked. "YOU DARE QUESTION MY ANTICS," I shouted. "He does have a good point Mecha King Ghidorah. Instead, we should break her," Kiryu said. I asked him how we would do that, and he said, "We make her watch us KILL Godzilla," he said. Of course, I accepted.

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