Chapter Four - Mistakes

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You stare into his stone cold filled eyes, as he stared into yours. "Hello Mike what do you want" you say crossing your arms "Hey y/n" he says with a smirk. "You left me to travel across the God damn world, now you've come back when I'm finally happy." "Because I love you" he says getting up from your bed. You take a step back "that didn't stop you from leaving" you say turning around out your bed room door, walking towards the kitchen. He fallowed "y/n don't be like this" Sam, Colby and Aryia were talking in the kitchen and stared at you. "I can be however I want, cause I never wanted you here."
"You should talk to him y/n" Aryia said "Lemme guess Aryia you let him in" Aryia hesitated "you were there when he left me, you were there when no one was. When I was hurt by him, do you not remember it took me months to get over him. Now you want him back in my life" you say slamming your hands against the island table "I just hate how you act like a 16 year old, running around with a new guy every night." You stare at him "Colbys any different" "hes not my problem."

You stare between him and Colby. Mike grabbed your tensed hand, you step back "just leave me alone Mike". You walked to your room and locked the door, you can never catch a break. You changed into black sweats and black hoodie with your hair in a messy bun. You layed on your bed, alone on your phone. It's lunch you decided to walk out and get a slice of left over pizza. Colby and Mike were talking, they both had similar styles and similar lives. Both with you in it, which sucks cause you cant seem to get out of it.

You got a slice of pizza and sat on the counter, "I'll leave you two to talk" Colby said with a white claw in his right hand. Mike walked over to you, he put his hands on your waist. "When I say I love you I mean it y/n" "but I dont think I can love you again" "than well work it out, when it gets to be a problem. okay?" you nodded and he kissed you.

Colbys pov:

I went back to the kitchen to grab another white claw and saw they were making out. She was just complaining on how much she hates him, now shes making out with him. Or is she just playing him is the real question. I told Aryia and he seemed happy about it, but you never know with her.

Back to you:

He brought me to my bedroom and pushed me onto the bed as he took his shirt off. "I missed this" he said winking he kissed your neck and found your sweet spot. He left a hickey or two, and took off your hoodie. You guys kept just making out, till you heard foot steps. "Having some fun again are we" Colby says leaning on the frame of your door. "Shut up Colby" "theres gonna be a party in an hour here. Just thought I'd tell you." "Thanks now leave." Colby walks out and closes the door. (You know what happens next)

You both stopped and he fell asleep, you got up and got a short red dress on. You brushed your hair and walked out your bedroom door. Everyones everywhere, drinking, makingout getting laid. You grabbed 4 shots, and shot back. Aryia walked over, "where's Mike." "In my room" "you two together" he says crossing his arms firmly. "No, I was just bored okay. Sure I'm horrible for fooling around with his innocent little feelings but he also did it to me" you say drinking a beer. "God I'm willing to support you for anything sis, but is this a good idea." "Life is life, it sucks. My like sucks so what does it matter" "your worth more than this y/n." "Well maybe I haven't met someone who makes me feel that way" you say crossing your arms. "touche touche" he says as he turns to a bunch of girls. You found the other boys who are with there girlfriends and sit down and drink. "So whats up" you say to them "just watching and counting how many girls Colbys been flirting with" Devyn said "oh my godd that's amazing" you say laughing but when you looked at Colby he tunred and you caught his eye. He winks at you and gets back to flirting with the girl. "Colbys such a douche" Kat says "yep that's forsure" you say "you've barely met the guy stop jumping to conclusions" Sam says to you. "Sorry but he is." You took another sip and Colby moves on to another girl. "My estimate is 6 girls 7 including me." "Good guess were already at 5 though" Tara says "yeah? So he'll move on to another girl and than I'll catch his eye by winking back at him. Than I'll win" you say chuckling "wow cheater" Kat says jokingly "I'm just kidding guys" you say laughingly

You finished your beer and got up "girls wanna dance" you say starting to dance already "yas" they all said. You all got up on the damce floor dancing for a while, tons of guys whistling and cheering. That carried on for an hour, than a guy walked over and started dancing with you. Than slow music turned on and the boyfriends came over so you went to the bar. "Hey Joe can I have a beer" "forsure dear but maybe after you go speak to thay guy whos staring at you." You look back to see Colby just staring at you. "Joe whats with colby?" "What do you mean?" "Like whats his catch?" "Hes just a player, so don't play his games" "your the second one to tell me that.." "maybe you should listen." You grabbed the beer and walked towards colby "you look lonley over here" you say arrogantly "believe me I'm just fine" he says rolling his eyes leaning against the wall "not a fan of slow dancing." You take a sip of your beer "Yeah don't really like it too much." Colby said starring at the floor, you smirked at the fact that he still danced with you at the beach. "Whats up with you and Mike." "Nothing" "nothing? Your boyfriend came back for you and your gonna ignore him." He says with wide eyes "This is my life not yours okay, I choose how to live it. I don't like or want a relationship, just like you don't either. Just stay out of my personal life, and I'll stay out of yours." You say turning towards the front door. "Y/n" Mike says running down the hallway "what are you doing" "getting away from all this" "why" "look Mike I don't miss you one bit, my lifes fine how it is. I don't need you in it" you say walking down the eary road way.

Mikes car spun the otherway down the road. "Y/n!" Someone yells from the house, "Aryia?" "Yes come inside, it's freezing out here." You walk over to the house with him. "I'm sorry, nothing but a hassle with me here. My lifes just shit right now Aryi" Aryi haven't called him that since dad died. Aryia stares at you and hugs you. "Now I know your really hurt. Wanna talk about it" "no I want to cry but I don't want to cry." "Just cry I don't care." You sobbed into his white t-shirt and you got makeup on his shirt "I'm sorry." "It's fine I got tons of shirts." You have makeup running down your face as you walked back inside.

Everyones still partying Colbys with 2 girls in the corner like normal. "I think I'm gonna go to bed, good night Aryi" "good night." You walk to your room and fall into your bed helplessly.

Its 2 am, you've been sleeping since 8. You heard a bang from outside. Than a smash down the hallway, you knew no ones home at this time cause they do 3 am challenges in haunted places. "Hello?" You said walking down the creaking hallway. Foot steps came running behind you, you hit them right in the face. "Argh" said the man sliding down the wall you turn on the lights and saw Colby holding his eye. "I was checking up on you but you re pay me like this" "sorry you scared me, I thought you and the boys were doing 3 am challenges." "I didn't go." You nodded "what was that noise" "the window was open so a picture shaddered" Colby says still holding his eye in pain. He starts picking up the glass and cuts himself. "Colby! Where's the emergency kit." "I'm fine" "no your not." "Bathroom". He says as you run down the hallway, you grab it and come back.

You grabbed him and brought him to your bathroom in your room. He hopped onto the counter, you put gauze and stuff on it. You looked up at him and touch his eye. "Ow that hurts" "I'm sorry, it was the first thing that came to mind and-" he kissed you

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