Last day

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He next day dad took me to our spot up in the trees. I smile climbing into dad's lap. Dad gave a chuckle and started gently stroking my hair. I smile and laid against dad's chest. "Do I have to go daddy?" I ask looking up at dad. Dad nods sadly. "Yes you do." Dad says as I nod. "I'm going to miss you daddy." I say close to tears. "I'm going to miss you to Lilly j." Dad says still stroking my hair. I lean up and hug dad around his neck. Dad hugs me back with his long arms. " I don't wanna go daddy. I wanna stay here with you and uncle Lj and Ben and the others. I don't wanna go." I whisper. Dad tightens his grip on me slightly. "I know Lilly j." Dad says. "I don't want to go daddy. Please don't make me." I cry softly. Dad gently makes me look at him and gently wipes away my tears. "You'll be fine Lilly j. I know you will." Dad says as I hug him once more. "I think I have something that will help." Dad says producing a small notebook. I take it from him and open it. "When you wrote in it, I can hear what you write." Dad says as I smile. I hug dad tightly. "Thanks dad." I say as dad chuckles. I lean up and kiss dad's pale cheek. Dad chuckles gently rubbing my back. I smile and relax under his touch. "Dad can we just..... Spend the day together?" I ask as dad gently pats my head. "Of corse Lilly j." Dad says. I smile and gently kiss his cheek once more. Dad gently sets me on his back. Dad starts climbing down as I tighten my arms around dad's neck. Dad gently sets me down before shifting into his illusion form. I smile and take dad's hand. Dad teleports us to Diagon alley. I smile and lean on dad as we walk. Dad takes me to the ice cream shop. I smile and pick banana. Dad chuckles and sits down beside me. I look around and see Snape. Dad looks over and frowns. "Dad can we go to the pet store. I know we have smile but I want my own." I say as dad nods laughing. I smile and walk with dad to the pet store. I walk in and see a adorable wolf. I smile and pick it up. Dad chuckles shaking his head. "Please daddy. I promise I'll take care if it. Please look at him!" I beg. Dad laughs as Snape comes in. "Please daddy?" I beg using puppy dog eyes. Dad chuckles and gently takes the pup out of my hands. The pup whines trying to get to me. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase daddy?" I beg. Dad smiles and gives in. "Alright." Dad says gently handing me the pup. I smile and gently set him down. I hug dad tightly as dad laughs. "I'm going to miss you daddy. A lot." I say as dad kisses my hair. "I know Lilly j. I'll miss you to." Dad says as I hug dad tighter. I pay for the pup and put him on the leash. I walk out as dad follows. "Thanks daddy." I say as Snape glares at dad. Dad smiles at me and pats my head causing me to giggle. Dad gently picks me up after I yawn. "Thanks daddy." I yawn. Dad chuckles gently picking up the pup. "What are you going to name him Lilly j?" Dad says gently patting his head. "Slendy." I say as dad laughs. I smile and lay my head on dad's shoulder yawning. "Time to go." Dad laughs. I smile sleepily and nod. Slender barks and growls at Snape causing me to laugh. Dad gently pat slendy's head and picks him up. I hold slendy close as dad teleports us home.

Slenderman's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now