Barty's class

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The next day it was off to class. After breakfast I head down to dada with Barty Professor Moody. As I walk in professor moody turns. He sees me and smirks. "How is he?" I ask walking over. "Growing stringer by the day. He was furious when I told him what happened at the cup." Barty says. I nod. "Today take it slow. Ok? I've never seen the curses and I don't want to be scarred for life." I say. Barty nods. "How'd you know?" He asks. I wordlessly tap my head. "I've been training with him." I say sitting down. A little while later Draco comes in and sits beside me. Barty sees this and goes to say something but I shake my head turning to Draco. "Hey." I say. "Hey." Draco says mimicking me. I allow myself a smile. "So I uh wanted to know of you- you wanted to-" I cut Draco off. "Is the great Draco malfoy really stuttering?" I ask. "No! Forget it!" Draco says turning away. I gently place my hand on his arm. "Draco." I say. "What!" Draco snaps. "Sorry." He sighs. "Draco I would love to do something with you." I say making Draco look at me. All the while Barty shot daggers at Draco. "Really?" Draco asks. "Yea." I smile. Draco smiles. "Ok. Meet me at the lake tonight. At ten." Draco says as class starts. I saw Harry glare at me. I look away hurt. Draco glares at Harry and rubs my hand under the table. "Alistor moody." Professor moody begins. He turns and writes something down on the chalk board. "Ex auror, ministry Malcolm tenth and your new defense against the dark arts teacher." Moody finishes. "I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story good bye!" I giggle and lean over. "He's here because he is on ordered form him." I whisper. Draco pales. "Any questions?" Moody asks. No one raises their hand. "When it comes to the dark arts I believe in a practical approach. But first which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" Slowly hermione raises her hand. "Three sir." She answers. "And they are so named?" Moody asks. "Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them-" Moody cuts hermione off. "Will earn you a one way ticket to askaban." Moody finishes. If you weren't going to let her finish why ask. "Now the ministry says your to young to see what these curses do. But I say different. You need to know what your up against. You need to be prepared. You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk Mr. Finnergin." I hear some kid gasp then say "no way the old dogger can see out of the back of his head." Semuse whispers. Moody whips around and throws the chalk at him. "And hear across classrooms!" He shouts. "So which curse shall we see first?" Moody says. I grip Draco's hand gently. He gives it a comforting squeeze. "Weasly." Moody says. "Yes?" Ron squeaks. "Stand." Moody says. Ron slowly stands. "Give us a curse." Ron looks around before saying. "Well my dad did tell me about one. The impetus curse." Ron whispers. Moody grumbles. "Oh yea. Your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." Moody says going over and taking out a large but. He makes it bigger before casting the imperious curse upon it. Moody makes it fly across the room and lands it on crabs head. Draco bursts out laughing as I do as we'll. "don't worry completely harmless." Moody says. He lands it on rind head. I laugh harder. "If she bites she's Lethal." Moody says. I hold my ribs in pain from laughing so hard. "What are you laughing at!" Moody says flinging the spider onto Draco. I give moody a single glare as a giggle escapes me. "Not funny. Get it off!" Moody ignores me and says "Talented isn't she? What shall I have her do next. Jump out the window?" Slowly all the laughter dies down and a Eire feeling fills the room. "Drown herself?" Moody adds before returning the spider to his hand. "Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did you know who's bidding under the influence of the imperious curse. But here's the rub. How do we sort out the liars." Moody meets my eyes. "Another." Moody says. Slowly Neveill raises his hand. "Longbottom is it?" Moody ask. "Professor sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herboligy." Moody says. "T-There's the um the cruciutus curse." Neveill says stuttering. Moody leads him to his desk and says the curse. As the creature begins screaming in pain tears fill my eyes. I hide my face in Draco's shoulder and whimper. After a while I just get up and storm out of the room leaving everyone there. I sink down and hide my face in my knees. How could grandad use a curse like that. One that caused so much pain. I wasn't even the one who the curse was on and it was horrible. As I cry I hear footsteps. "Lilly!" Sevs voice comes. I look up and see sev quickly walking over. He kneels beside me and brings me into his arms. "Shhh what happened. Did he hurt you?" Sev asks. I shake my head. "No. Barty." I whimper. "Barty? What happened Lilly?" Sev asks. "The-The unforgivables." I whimper. Sev gasps gently stroking my hair. "Lilly did he hurt you?" Sev asks. "No." I say. Sev nods still stroking my hair. He rocks me slowly and continues to comfort me until all my tears are gone. Sev gently rubs my back and makes me look at him. "Are you ok?" Sev asks. I nod bury my face in his shoulder. Sev shushes me gently and places a kiss on my head. He then helps me up and let's me lean on him. Sev leads me to his classroom. He sits me down and goes over to his stores. He grabs a pepper up potion and gives it to me. I drink it and feel better. "D-Does grandad really use those?" I whisper after a long peroid of silence. "Not unless he has to. But yes. He does." Sev says sitting beside me. "You know he would never hurt you. Even to me that's plain to see." Sev says. I shakily nod. "I know. But the thought of grandad using those curses. It just-" I couldn't finish. "I know Lilly." Sev says gently rubbing my shoulder. For the rest of the day I stayed in Sevs office. As the day finishes sev walks in with my homework. I smile taking it from him. "Thanks sev." I say. Sev nods. "You can stay here tonight if you wish." Sev says. I nod leaning on him and resting my head on his chest. Sev gently strokes my hair and soothes me until sleep consumes me.

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