Down the trapdoor part two

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All was quiet as we made our way to the third floor. Covered by Harry's cloak prefects pasts us not even noticing. Hermiony unlocks the door as We all slip into the room. The cloak is blown off us after we walk in. The dog was asleep. I noticed a harp. "Wait he's sleeping"Ron says. My jaw drops." You didn't tell me it was fluffy." I say. "You know this thing. Why am I not surprised." Ron gapes. I glare at him. "I thought you took care of snape!" Harry says. "I did. Voldemort must have set him free." I say. "Oh." Harry mutters. "It looks like he put a spell on the harp." I say. Hermiony nods looking at it. "Ugg it's got horrible breath!" Ron groans. I smack him. "Be nice." I say. Ron looks at me like I'm nuts. "We have to move its paw" harry says as we all move forward. Ron gives him the wtf look. We all kneel down and push on fluffy's paw. Harry opens the trapdoor after we move fluffy's paw. We all kneel down around it. "I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you sign. If something bad happens get yourself out." Harry says as I nod. My eyes widen as it gets quiet. "Does it seem a bit quiet?" Harry asks as Ron groan. We look at him to see he had dog drool on his shirt. Oh crap. We all slowly look up. Fluffy growls as harry Ron and hermiony scream. I back up as fluffy tries to chomp on them. "Fluffy down!" I order as he snaps his heads to me. He whimpers and lays his head down. I walk up to him and gently rub one of his head. He licks me leaving me covered in spit. I groan. "Yea I misses you to boy. Mind giving me a lift?" I ask as fluffy chomps down on my shirt. He drops me in as I shake the spit from my hair.

As I land I see harry, Ron and harmony struggling. I look down and see devils snare. Crap. Harry and Ron struggle as the devils snare wraps around me. I relax and stop struggling. "Stop moving both of you. This is devil's snare. You have to relax if you don't it will only kill you faster" Hermione says as Ron freaks. "Kill us faster. Oh now I can relax!" Ron shouts struggling harder. Hermione sighs and relaxes before disappearing. I relax as well and sink down. I fall on my side and whimper slightly. Hermione helps me up as the boys scream. "Just relax!" We shout. "Hermione where are you!" Harry shouts. "Do what I say!" She shouts. Harry comes down a few minuets later. Ron screams and struggles harder. "You ok?" I ask helping harry up. He nods. "He's not relaxing is he?" I sigh. Harry shakes his head. "Oh I've got to do something!"Hermione groans. "What!" Harry exclaims." I remember reading something in herboligy. Umm...... Devil's snare, devil's snare it's deadly fun but will sulk in the sun!" Hermione shouts. "That's it devil's snare hates sunlight" I say as Hermione shouts a spell. Light fills the room. Ron falls through as we help him up. "Lucky we didn't panick." Ron says. I glare at him. "Lucky Hermione pays attention in class." I snap. Ron blushes. We all turn and head into the next room. It was a quittage change. Harry easily catches the key and throws it to us. We quickly unlock the door and run in. Harry flies through next. We slam the door as all the keys slam into the door. Harry drops the broom stick as we head on.

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