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Over the next few week I learned to control my power with grandad. At night I would go into the forests and practice. I think grandad knew because he told me to be carful at night. Tonight I was in the forests practicing. A twig snapping made me freeze. Before I could so anything a cloth is placed over my mouth. I go to scream but blackness consumes me.


I slowly open my eyes and groan. Sitting up everything comes back to me. I gasp looking around. I was in a room with only a bed and a window with bars on it. I slowly get up and groan. Hearing soft movement I scan the room. But find nothing. The door opens as a man in a black mask comes in. "I see you are awake." The man says. "Who are you! Where am I!" I shout the man backhands me. I whimper holding my cheek. "You will learn you place soon." The man says. "Fuck off." I whisper wiping away the blood. The man backhands me once more. "Now listen closely girl. You are going to help me. Or I will kill you." The man threatens. "Help you do what!" I snap. "Help me kill the slenders." The man says. My eyes widen. "No! Never!" I shout. "I would rather die!" I shout. The man growls and slaps me once more before walking out. I sink down and cry softly into my knees. Hearing the movement once more I look up. My eyes widen as I see a giant snake slithering towards me. This snake was bigger then grandad's snakes body. I scramble away and into the corner. I whimper and hide my face in my knees as the snake gets closer. And closer and closer until it was right in front of me. I wait for the pain but it doesn't come. I could feel the snake gently nuzzling my hand in a comforting way. I slowly look up. "H-Hi." I whisper. "Hello." The snake whispers. I could tell by the snakes voice that it was a female. "Your bit going to hurt me?" I ask. The snake shakes it's head. "No. Why would I?" The snake asks. The snakes eyes were familiar but I couldn't place it. They held a protective and comforting look. "Do you know where we are?" I ask. "No." The snake says. "What's your name?" I ask. "Jayb." The snake answers. "I'm Lilly." I say. The snakes eyes widen. I slowly get up and walk over to the bed. I break off a rusted bar and start filing it into a weapons. The door starts to open as I hide the weapon. I quickly stand up as jayb disappears into the shadows. The man comes back in. I growl at him. "You will learn your place girl!" He shouts. "My place is with my family. Not with some son of bitch who kidnaped me." I shout. The man whips his head to me. Suddenly pain fills me as the man breaks my arm. I scream in pain as the man drips me. He covers his ears as the window starts to shake. The man kicks me in the side breaking a few ribs. I scream louder. Finally the man it's his foot on my mouth. He presses down but I continue to scream. The man picks me up by my throat and starts to squeeze. I gasp for air. I claw at the mans hands with no use. My vision starts going dark as the man screams in pain. He drops me. I look and see jayb latched onto the mans ankle in full force. The man throws jayb into the wall. She hits it and gives a hiss of pain. The man growls turning to me. He kicks me once more before walking out. After he leaves I run to jayb's side. I gently roll her over. She was bleeding from her nose. I rip my shirt and gently wipe away the blood. Jayb opens her eyes as I start to wrap her ribs. It wasn't easy with one arm. It was painful. But she saved my life. "Lilly." Jayb says. "Thank you. You may have just saved my life." I say. Jayb nods. "Here jayb help me." I say grabbing the mattress. Jayb bites it with her teeth and helps me drag the mattress to the corner. I hide the steel bar and curl up beside jayb. I lay my head on her side. Jayb comforts me as I whimper in pain. After a while I slowly start to black out. I could faintly hear jayb tell me to stay awake, but to no use.

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