Nothing that can be done

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As I walk in I see sev asleep beside mums bed. Mum was asleep as well. I gasp seeing how bad she looked. Mum had lost a lot of weight and there were bags around her eyes. I collapse beside mums bed and cry softly. "Honey. Don't cry." Mum's weak voice comes. Slowly I look up into mums tired and red eyes. "Oh mum!" I cry gently stroking her head. Mum smiles weakly. I sit beside her on the bed. Mum weakly curls up in my lap. I gently stroke her back. Mum relaxes as I do this. I knew this sooth her and took her mind off the pain. "Mum I can't loose you. Not again!" I whimper. "I know honey." Mum coughs. "But there is nothing that can be done. I'm sorry honey." Mum whispers resting her eyes. "Mum no!" I cry. "I'm sorry honey." Mum whispers. "Don't leave me!" I whimpe feeling like I was back in the cell. "It will be ok honey. I'm glad I got to see the amazing woman you have become." Mum coughs. I run my hand over her ribs running a diagnostic spell. A 3d image comes up of mums internal organs. There were many things that mum was dying from. Her kidneys were failing. Her lungs were disintegrating. Her bones were weakening. I suspected she only had a few months left. If even that. Tears stream down my face as I get rid of the spell. "Mum I need you. Please. I can't go on with out you." I cry. "Lilly jayb slender snape you listen to me. You will be amazing without me. You have no idea the role that you are going to play. You will be just fine without me. Do you understand me?" Mum says in a weak firm tone. "No mum. Your wrong. I've lost to many people. I can't go on without you. Everything that's happening. Without you I'll never understand." I cry. "Yes you will honey. You will. I know you will." Mum whispers. Mum closes her eyes once more and goes silent. "Mum?" I cry. "It's ok honey. I'm just resting." Mum whispers. Gently I move mum back onto the bed. I lay a blanket over her and kneel beside her. I look up at the clock and see it is thirty minuets past dinner. Dad would be mad but I didn't care. "Why am I so important mum. I'm not special. Why does everyone think I am. I'm just a girl?" I whisper. Mum opens her eyes and meets my eyes. "Lilly listen to me. You are going to be the most important person to ever live. Ok? You are not just a girl. You are so much more then that." Mum coughs. "Your wrong. Why does everyone think I'm so kind of god!" I cry. Mum winces as I shout. Sev shifts slightly. "Honey. Everything will make sense soon enough. I promise." Mum whispers. She lays her head back down and closes her eyes. "Mum there must be something I can do. Anything!" I cry. "I'm sorry honey. There's nothing that can be done." Mum whispers with her eyes still closed. I cry softly after mum falls into a soft sleep. I jump feeling sev rub my back. I slowly look up at hi and see his eyes are red. Sevs cheeks were stained with tears. I hug sev tightly around his waist and sob. And sob. And sob. And sob. Until it felt like I would never cry again. "Oh sev. Can't you do something?" I cry. Sev shakes his head. "No Lilly. There's nothing that can be done..." Sev trails off as tears stream down his face once more. "Oh sev. We can't loose her. We just can't!" I cry. "I know Lilly. I know." Sev whispers. This was one of the rare times sev just cries. As time ticks by me and sev stayed there just crying. After a few hours I look up at the clock. I had been gone for five hours. I knew dad would likely ground me. But I didn't care. "You need to go Lilly." Sev says. I shake my head. "No. I'm not leaving." I say. "Lilly." Sev says. I turn away from him and gaze at mum who was resting softly. Suddenly sev picks me up. "No sev put me down!" I cry struggling. Sev gently shushes me and starts walking towards the door. "No! No! Sev please. I don't want to go. Please sev. I have to be here!" I sob. Tears slip down Sevs face. But he continue walking. Finally I just give up and sob. Sev shushes me and rubs my back. He walks to the den before sitting down with me in his arms. Once again I sob. Sev joins me and gently strokes my hair. I notice his hand are shaking slightly. I bury my face in Sevs chest and hug him as tightly as I can needing all the comfort I could get. Sev rocks me and consoles me until once again my tears had dried. "Time to go?" I whisper. Sev sighs and nods. "Time to go." Sev says. I sigh standing up. I floo back to the mansion. Once there I see everyone witting. Dad shoots up. "Where were you Lilly j!" Dad shouts. I don't answer. Tears were streaming down my face once more. I feel dad try to read my mind but because my shields were up he failed. I storm past everyone and run into my room locking the door. I collapses onto my bed and sob. Everyone pounds on the door. Dad tries to teleport in. But the spell I had up stops him. Finally I just cry myself to sleep.

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