Me vs Sinister man

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Father? Slowly I turn to see a man with a suit much like dad's but with some red coloring around the chest. The mans head was that of a tan skull. With dark hollow evil eyes. There was no skin on the mans face which made him that much scarier. The mans nonexistent eyes lingered on my shaking form. "Son." The man says. "What is this? A human!!!" The man yells. I hide my face in dad's chest. "She is not human father. And she is my daughter." Dad says but I could hear fear in his voice. "You dare lie to me!" The man shouts. "I do not lie father. She is the one." Dad says. "Impossible. She cannot be the one. Look at her. Weak! Pathetic! How can she ever be the one!" The man shouts. "Father. I have seen it. Just a few days ago. Her greatest power surfaced itself. She killed henter." Dad says. The man goes silent as of genuinely shocked. "She what!" The man roars after a long period of silence. "Do you mean to tell me that this brat. This pathetic worthless weakling killed henter!" The man shouts. That struck a nerve in dad. "She is not worthless. She is not pathetic and she is not a weakling. My daughter is stronger in ways then I have ever known. When the time comes she will not fail. I have seen it and I know it!" Dad shouts as his tentacles flair angrily. The man laughs evilly. "Then prove her worth. You fight me!" The man shouts. "No..." Dad whispers. I clutch dad tighter. "Dad. I don't understand." I whisper. Dad looks down at me with a clear sad look on his pale featureless face. "You have to fight him Lilly j. I'm sorry." Dad says setting me down. Dad looks back at the man before backing up. "Dad what do you mean?" I ask. "Face me." The man says in a chilling voice. Slowly I turn and gaze up at the tall skull faced man. "So you are the one? Such a disappointment." The man says as the darkness starts to reappear. I could softly hear dad in my mind telling me to use my powers. But I was frozen to the spot. Just as darkness was about to completely consume me something happens. I got control back and used my newest power. As I did I slipway say "I am not weak!" With each word my voice grew louder. A bright glow forms around me and acts as a shield. In a flash the man is sent flying through a few trees. "I don't know who you are or what the hell your problem is but I know one thing. Picking a fight with me wasn't your brightest idea!" I shout using my wind to blow him into the ground. The man jumps up. "Weak." He says wiping black ooz from his 'nose'. "Asshole." I reply. I look back to see all my uncles watching in complete fear. As time goes on I sustained multiple injuries. Blood soaked my clothes and I was wearing down. I needed to end this. I collapse. The man laughs and starts coming over to me. "Weak worthless and a disappointment. My son was wrong about you. You are nothing but a worthless bitch who is going to die." The man says. Slowly I gather my remaining strength. Just as the man reaches me I jump up and send him flying. The man flies back and hits the tree before laughing. "Maybe I was wrong. Your just stupid." The man says. I then give another kick that sends him flying once more. This time as he hits the final remaining standing tree he doesn't get up. Slowly I get up and watch to see if he would get up. The man growls trying to. "Don't." I warn him. Slowly I walk over to dad and my uncles. Dad is quick to scoop me up. He hugs me tightly and whispers "Yiu are more powerful then you think." I smile and kiss dad's cheek. "Let's go." I say. Dad nods looking over at the man who had gotten up by now. "As I said father she is the one. We will be leaving now." Dad says setting me down. I lean on his as we walk. But as we walk I start to get sissy. "Dad..." I whisper. Dad is quick to catch me as I fall passing out from blood loss.

Slenderman's daughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora