Part 1

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To marry a Vigilante: Part 1


When they finally pulled apart, Marinette needed a moment for her brain to restart. She was sure she would melt right then and there. At the same time, she wanted to jump and scream from sheer ecstasy. It was all she ever wanted and now she had it.

Damian stared at her empty expression.

"I think you broke her." Plagg suddenly zoomed out of her pocket, followed by Tikki who tried (and failed) to catch him.

This was enough for Mari to finally start thinking coherently. "Um... Yeah... I... Maybe..." Or mostly coherently at least.

"Habibti. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out." Damian guided her. Slowly, Mari returned to her senses.

"Thank you... I think I might have kinda lost my breath there." She gave him an apologetic smile.

"Nothing happened. Now I think I need to leave or my brothers will get some stupid idea and I will have to practice my skill with a sword." Damian deadpanned.

"Since I know I can't stop you, please at least don't kill them until I get to know them better?"

"I can try, but no promises." He turned to leave, but she grabbed his hand.

"Oh! Wait!" She fumbled through her pocket for a moment before pulling out a small box. Plagg immediately was pulled inside it (much to Tikki's amusement). "Damian Wayne. As Guardian of the Miraculous, I give you the miraculous of the Black Cat, which gives you the power of destruction. I trust you to protect it and use it to help others."

Damian was stunned only for a short moment and definitely didn't move his mouth like a fish. Definitely. "I accept that honor and thank you for your trust."

"There is no one I would trust more than you with this. If not for your and your family's help, I would've never caught Hawkmoth or the Cat."

"Don't sell yourself short. You're brilliant and it was only a matter of time."

"Time I might've not had. Chat was working with Hawkmoth. Who knows when I would've fallen into a trap..."

"It's all over now, Habibti." He grabbed her hand. "Everything is going to be better now." When she smiled he let go and opened the box. Plagg appeared in a flash.

"For the record, I hate these boxes."

"Stop complaining. If you stayed there it wouldn't have been so bad." Tikki scolded him.

Marinette giggled at the interaction of the two little gods. Damian just shook his head and donned the ring.

"Can I see how you'll look?" She asked before her smile took a more grin-like look. "I want to see if you'll have a cute cat-ears."

"Maybe when you are in Gotham." He scoffed. "Thank you, angel. It's the best Christmas gift you could've given me. Your trust means more than gold to me."

"But Christmas is still a long way away..." Mari tried to dismiss him, but seeing his expression she doubled back. He looked almost scared. Almost, since Damian Wayne did not get scared.

"Angel... Christmas Eve is tomorrow. That's why your class is leaving on Monday. You are all going to be attending the Wayne New Year Gala next Friday."

"But... But... Wouldn't there be decorations in stores? And Santa Clauses on the street? Or at least..."

"There were. Mostly Miraculous themed though. I can't believe you didn't notice." He said with a bit too much amusement slipping into his voice.

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