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Kirishimas POV

~T.w.: Drug use: smoking weed, Vaping: Dab pens, juuls, puff bars ect. Alcohol use~

I wake up to phone cameras flashing in my face and laughing "Huh?..."  i open my eyes to denki in my face "OH MY GOD!" I jump back and fell off the bed- "Ow-"  mina laughed softly and helped me up xMinax:"How was last night~" my face goes red and i can feel it  she poked my face she found it cute xSerox: "Bakugous OUT" he and denki laugh as they drew on his face with minas eyeliner "Guys dont do that!!" mina nods xMinax: "Yea dont use my eyeliner use sharpie!"  I shake my head frantically "No! dont! he will kill you!"  mina looked at my neck and moved the hoodie out of the way xMinax: "HE MARKED YOU?!" sero and denki both whip their heads at me faster then Iida can sprint. I hide the mark "Sh-shut up-"  xMinax: "HE DID DIDNT HE?! YOU KNOW YOU CANT GET MARRIED BECAUSE OF THIS!?" here we go... "How bout we talk about denkis night?" sero and mina laugh xserox: "We messed with him before coming to yall" i totally wouldve wanted to see denkis reaction "Awe come on! so what now im marked?! that just means i have way less alphas hitting on me!" Sero poked bakugou xDenkix: "Hes waking up" bakugou looked at sero and denki xBakugoux: "The hell?" mina took off her slipper and threw it at bakugou xMinax: "WHY WOULD YOU MARK MY PRECIOUS  INNOCENT BABY?!" bakugou looked back at mina xBakugoux: "Innocent? really? Pfft- okay." i cover my mouth "I- oop-"  mina glares at bakugou xMinax:"Im going to talk to him too" damn it- xDenkix: "Mina you do have like makeup remover right?" mina nods xSerox: "Its free face tattoos" bakugou looks at sero xBakugoux: "You drew on my face, right?" Denki laughed nervously xSerox: "Sure did blastymcsplodes" Woah there- our latino tape dispenser i- im scared.  bakugou jumped up and denki and sero ran out of the room bakugou following them out leaving me and mina- crap mina looked at me xMinax: "Why did you let him mark you?"  she said it in a very calm voice i am officially terrified "Mina... i love him and yea were in high school but i can see a good future with him" mina grabbed a hold of my shoulder firmly xMinax: "I only want whats best for you babes, and if thats how you feel, Im proud of you." she gave a soft smile like a mother but her grip on my shoulder felt like she was gonna break it "Yea thanks but- can you not dislocate my shoulder?"she let go of my shoulder xMinax: "My badddd" we both laugh and go to find the other three i stole denkis Nintendo from his dorm on the way and mina grabbed seros and i started playing a game while mina held it in her hand i followed mina looking for dah boiz and we both walk into the common kitchen to see bakugou taped and electrically charged and denki was short circuited Sero was laughing his ass off  me and mina go and untie bakugou and get denki to the sofa and sero apologized to bakugou and we all sit on the couch  i get up and lay on top of everyone my head on bakugous lap and my feet on seros i was playing Mario Kart 8  and sero and mina were playing minecraft denki eventually came back to reality and shoved me off the couch "COME ON MAN!" i get back up and sat on bakugous lap leaning my head on his chest and continued to play the game xMina, Denki, Serox: "Awwwee" bakugou glared at them and they all laughed i really dont care i was comfortable i came in last place so i quit playing and hugged bakugou he was like a pillow that could hug back hes kinda like an amazon package you get through all the annoying an loud packaging and get to an amazing gift! I put my hand up the back of  bakugous hoodie xBakugoux: "GET YOUR FREEZING HANDS OUT OF MY SHIRT!"  I laughed and rubbed up to where some of the scratches i left were and my face instantly went bright red. xBakugoux: "EI STOP!" ei?? ei?! EI! my face was obviously full of excitement  denki and mina look at bakugou in awe sero was fighting a spider in minecraft so he wasn't paying attention. xBakugoux: "LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" i was lowkey freaking out on the inside "You called me Ei!!" bakugou rolled his eyes. denki whispered in seros ear and sero got up and ran to his room and left the switch on the sofa "What do you think hes doing?" I look up at bakugou xbakugoux: "You know what hes doing- dont you?" i shrug xBakugoux: "Hes probably goint to get the vapes" I look at denki "Why are they in seros room?!" Denki shrugged xDenkix: " he said hed take care of it" Sero came back with a box of stuff xSerox: "I took very good care of it!" he showed off the dab pens of the colors we all mained in (Bakugou: orange Mina:Pink Sero:Black Denki: Yellow Kiri: Red) and weed rolls. Denki gasped instantly xDenkix: "You did more then take care of it i-" xMinax: "I thought we were keeping the box on the roof!" denki and sero shrugs xBakugoux: "To the roof?" xMinax:"You betcha!" denki and mina stood up and bakugou picked me up like a baby "I CAN WALK MYSELF!!" bakugou shrugs xBakugoux: "Okay then" he dropped me  "OW! why do yall want me to hurt myself?!" denki shrugged xBakugoux: "Aweeee is baby hurt?" i slap his leg and got up "Shut up!" and took the box from sero and threw the switch in it  and RAN the other four running behind me. I sprint up the stairs and get to the roof  and put the box down and sat on the edge the others following along (A/n 1014 words omg-)  i grab the red dab pen and hit it. Sero pulled out a weed wrap and lit it. mina grabbed  beer. I move back off the edge where everyone else was and lay my head in bakugous lap. I take another hit and did a snap inhale then tap bakugous chin and blew what ihad in my mouth on his face. He looked down at me and did the same thing but he did a ring then blew it in my face, this went on for a while. Soon we  all just sat on the roof  of the tall school and looked down on the stupid city below as we all make jokes and slowly get drunk and high and go back down stairs and pass out in the common livingroom stumbing on anything we could and falling everywhere, we did this every weekend, btw bakugous a lightweight (drinking wise) so its always funny cuz hes always the first one down. I find it adorable-

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~A/n Im working on a some what kiribaku angst story so if you like things like that please have all the uptates on~ OKAY THANK YALL FOR ALL THE READS!!! byeee!

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