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🚨Slighhttttt smut🚨

Bakugous POV

I wake up before everyone else me, Ei and Tape face were all over and on top of each other on the floor and pinky and dunce face were all sprawled out on the sofa they all looked fucked up as hell- I try untangling myself from the limb trap and not wake up the other two idiots Damn it im hungry- I eventually get out and go to the kitchen and start cooking i get out stuff to make food for five cause I know they will want to eat whatever it is i make. As i start making breakfast for me and Ei and those other extras. Dunce face sat up and looked at me [Denki]:"Ayeee blasty boom boommm man you makin food?!"  raccoon eyes sat up and asked the exact same thing  in the exact same way "YES YOU IDIOTS! CANT YOU SEE?!" i hand mina a water cause i know she will be throwing up soon, so will Ei but hes not up "Drink that i dont want you to be throwing up everywhere" mina nods [mina]:"Thanks bakuu!"i respond whit a grunt and continue to make the meal. after i was done i made myself a plate Ei and tape face were still on the ground sleeping and mina and denki were getting their own plates so i sat on the couch and ate i had a very odd feeling that Ei and office supply stayed up later than the rest of us and got more fucked up. i put my half eaten plate off food down on the side table and scrolled through my phone i hear groaning from the idiots on the floor. i look down at them and sure as hell they were waking up kiri looked sicker then hell and sero well sero looked like old duck tape to me. before i could get up pinky gave a water to kiri. kiri responded with a grunt and meant thank you  they were both still tangled up but when they woke up they didnt bother to move. i just watched the two until they both sat up well sorta- tape ass sat up and kiri sat up for a second and instantly lied back down [Kirishima]:"Oh my goddd ew no" his voice was really raspy it was sick raspy an i just woke up raspy and to be honest it made me laugh. kiri took a drink of the water and looked done for. Tape face went and ate and kiri came and sat on the sofa next to me and lied his head on my shoulder "You better not throw up on me!" i say with a laugh kiri laughed too [Kirishima]:"I wont- on purpose" i look at him with a discussed look on my face "dont do it at all you nasty!"  our laughs fade into smiles. all was completely silent until - [Sero and Denki]:"WERE GOIN TO THE LAKE RN GET YALLS LAZY ASSES UP AND LETS GO HOES" the silence was to good to be true me and kiri both get up and mina,sero, and denki all  gather around us like a very small huddle and dont talk but almost at the exact same time all started walking out mina was dragging Ei and i was in front of them all we get to the lake and sit at the shore, well i dont i stay in the grass because sand gets everywhere and i dont wanna clean shit. everything was chill but not for long the four idiots in front of me strip to their undergarments and get into the freezing cold fucking lake! "The fuck?!"  pinky waved me over [mina]:"Come on baku! it feels awesome!!" i roll my eyes and joined in with them.

Kirishimas POV

[Bakugou]:"ITS COLDER THEN HELL HERE IT DOESNT FEEL 'AWESOME' AT ALL IDIOTS!"  we all burst out laughing knowing this would be his reaction "BAHAHAHA im- SO sorry!!" bakugou grabbed me "EH?! LET ME GO YOU FUCK TARD!" he laughed and threw me under water. once i came up i spat the water out in his face "EAT ROCKS HOE!" at this point we all couldent keep a straight face until- [bakugou]:"Most people consider you a rock~" i pause and look at him my face going red "YOU ASSHOLE!" i push him under the water the other three laughing and teasing me about it. we all continue to mess around until bakugou grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the lake "What are you doin man?!" he responds short and simple "Were going to the woods." i nod and throw my pants back on him doing the same and i put my shirt around my neck as we walk hand in hand into the woods ive never gone through here before. when i felt we have been walking forever...though we were still soaked  i look at bakugou "What are we doing exactly?" bakugou scoffed in response [Bakugou]:"Shut up idiot" once he said that i start to feel that tight feeling in my stomach again. Oh hell thats why- he was going through a rut and didnt wanna tell me. i soon started sweating a lot and he looked at me [bakugou]:" You good?~" i blushed and nod i know he knows im lying but we both continue to walk deeper into the woods we are both going to ignore whats going on until one of us snaps- minutes later i feel my heat growing and growing i dont know how much longer i can do this... the tightness in my stomach only growing tighter with time. my breathing was starting to become heavy. HOW IS HE STILL DOING THIS?! [Bakugou]:"I know youre gonna do it soon~" i ignored him i now had a plan to get him to break first

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