Twenty Six B: Crystal Clear

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Chapter Twenty Six: Crystal Clear (Reina)
Reina’s Apartment: Warwick, Rhode Island

It was 5:30 p.m., and in exactly an hour and a half, Neal would be here to pick me up.

The week went by like crazy.

And to think, I managed to get through it without saying anything stupid. The truth is, I had reached a new level of nervous around him after he asked me out. I was so… happy? Excited? Nervous? In all honesty, I don’t really understand what it is that I feel for him, I just know that it’s there.

One of the hardest things this week was to not tell Jaya about our date. Neal and I both agreed to tell her after the date, because knowing her she would have an excitement attack and run around telling the whole hospital.

She had become increasingly close to me though, and it was nice to have more than just my family, Neal and Trisha to talk to. Plus, she and Armando were pretty cute together.

I wonder if I would ever be like that… with Neal I mean.

Needless to say, I had spent all day today freaking out in my mind. I had only been home for ten minutes, but my first instinct and only action was to call Trisha.

“Hey Rei, what’s up?”

“Trisha, IhaveadateiwithNealandI’mfreakingoutrightnow.”


I took a deep breath and tried not to panic. “I, have a date with Neal and I AM FREAKING OUT.” Well that was better I guess.

“What!? When!? Why did I not know about this!?”

“It’s been a crazy week and I’ve been freaking out, and I’m still freaking out, plus it was kind of a ‘let’s not advertise our first date’ kind of thing and I’m freaking out because like this is official and did I mention I have no idea what to wear or do to my hair or face and I’m freaking out?”

“Reina, chill out.”

“I can’t just chill out Trisha! This is serious!”

“I know it’s serious but you’re acting like a love sick sixteen year old!”

“Trisha, we both know that I am a love sick sixteen year old on the inside.”

“Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Sorry.”

“Will you help me? Pretty please with coffee and whip cream on top?”

“Is this you promising me that you’ll buy me a coffee later and we’ll go over the date in detail?”


“Then I’ll help you. First, go to your closet and tell me what’s in there.”

“Clothes, shoes and scrubs.”

“For real, Reina. I don’t want you to repeat a dress, so wear something Neal hasn’t seen before.”

“Trisha, I don’t know if they fit anymore though.”

“Oh.” Trisha said, understandingly.

“Okay, let’s go for casual but not casual then.”

“Okay. What am I looking for?”

“Tank tops—pretty ones. Maybe that red polka dotted one you have?”

“The one that barely stays on because my boobs aren’t big enough?”

“Reina, your boobs are fine. Did you find it?”

“Yes. Now?”

“Your white blaze and some faded jeans.”

Sincerely, Dr. CruzWhere stories live. Discover now