Chapter 1

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August 1999

It was the first day of school; the proverbial worst day of the year (next to Christmas) in my opinion. Sure, I was loaded down with nice, new clothes (finally, all of my own choosing), and all the fixin's but that didn't really mean shit. I was only here because the state of Indiana mandated that I be here.

At least it was my Senior year. I had already trudged my way most of the way through the bullshit that was more commonly known as the American high school system. To say I resented the education system was an understatement, but the irony of it was, I loved learning. I was actually heading to the school library at this very moment. After that, it was first period band class, and after that, I kind of forgot. Oh yeah, it was fourth year French somewhere in there too. I think I had English and...heck if I remembered the other class. Chemistry? Yeah...chemistry. Ok, so maybe it wasn't bad. 3 out of 4 classes I actually gave a damn about. But that only meant next semester would suck. So here's to making the best of it.

I had my headphones on, disregarding the administrator I passed that I could tell was yelling at me to take them off. Whatever. I had 20 minutes before class. I needed my music to jolt me through the morning. I was not a morning person, to say the least. I had a cup of coffee with me, but that was it. I'd make it, somehow, until lunch.

I got to the library, and dropped my beat-up denim book bag, covered in band patches and buttons, on the table, running my fingers through my curly brown hair. I was wearing a pair of ripped up jeans, black Doc Martens, a black t-shirt with the neck band cut off, a black tank underneath, just to placate the powers that be, and my favorite black leather jacket. My hair fell to just past my shoulders, and had a mind of its own. Normally, I slathered my face in makeup (a fact I proudly admit), complete with tons of black eyeliner and mascara, and usually black or red lipstick. Some would say my build is fat, others would say curvy, others would say a little extra to hold on to. Whatever you called it, I was painfully aware that my physique didn't match that of the majority of the girls in this school, or the constant barrage of messages I received about what I "should" look like. I am going on and on, and I haven't really told you about me.

My name's Eudoxia (You-doe-shuh) Brandenburg. My dad was going through this Roman history phase when mom found out she was pregnant. Story is I was named after a lesser known Empress. I'm a few months off of turning 18, and I have an after-school job in a locally owned coffee shop. I have been a drummer for about 6 years by now. Some friends of mine, Alice Poynter, Charlotte Wolfe, and Valentina Espinoza, were starting a band. Well we started it a while ago, but this summer we finally played a few shows. We're hoping we get to play another show or 2 before Christmas. We'll see. Alice was our singer, Charlotte is our bassist, and Valentina is our guitarist.

There's not much else to know. At least, not much more than I had mentioned. The rest I am sure will come out in time.

Oh yeah...there's my family--"Family"--to talk about.

I'm the oldest of 2, and unfortunately, my parents are still married. Dad works for a major local life insurance and financial company, as one of the higher ups in the food chain, and my mom is a homemaker (read: washed up trophy wife). My brother, Sean, is 3 years younger...and a royal pain in my ass (but I love the kid just the same). And that's all the more I am going to say, for now. Like I said, I am sure more will come out later. I'll just leave this with saying, we aren't anything like the Brady Bunch, even if we do live in the suburbs.

So anyway, back to my school day. I was keeping to myself, reading. I wasn't really excited about the impending year. I was one of the only concert band students who didn't do marching band. I suffered through that for 2 years, and then decided I wanted a job instead, so I knew I would catch crap for that. I wasn't ready to hear it. I had enough of the band kid drama that honestly it wasn't worth trying to keep up with the extracurricular activity. But in their corner of the world, it was the worthiest of pursuits. After that, I double checked my schedule card, and it was my English class, which I am sure would be at least ok, since it was an Honor's class. Then, I had my Chemistry class, which would be hell, and then last would be French. That, I genuinely looked forward to. I had the same teacher my first 3 years, and knew what to expect. French and Band were the only classes I actually looked forward to.

"Hey you!" I heard a voice say over my music. I took my head phones off, and looked up, Alice smiling in front of me. I smiled back. Alice was tall, and naturally thin, with straight blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. She had a smile that lit up a room, and was about as stubborn and opinionated as me.

"Lucky you didn't scare me, this time," I said.
"Damn, have to try harder," she joked, sitting down across the table from me. "Seriously though, I'm not bothering you, am I?"
"Nah...feudal Russia can wait," I answered, referencing the books I had out.
"Sounds thrilling," she said.
"Kind of is...since it's something I'm reading on my own. Haven't been here long enough to get bludgeoned over head with some skull drudgery yet."
"This is true," Alice answered, "so, since I know I won't see you 'til lunch, we hanging out after school?"
"Sure, why not...not like my parents are going to really be around much or notice if I'm late. Besides, they're probably going to be fighting anyway."
"It's not that bad, Doshi," Alice said, using my nickname. She always got to me, with how she said it. I looked at her.
"Were you not at my house at all this summer?" I asked. She sighed.
"Ok maybe it is but...don't be like that about it. You still have Sean to look after."
"I know I do, but that is just more fodder for the canon of reasons I can't stand my own parents."
"Hey this year, and we're on our own for college, right?" she said.
"Yeah I guess," I answered, "at least my dad makes enough I could go just about anywhere I wanted."
"Exactly, even if you stay here in town, it isn't hopeless."

I opened my mouth to answer, but the 5 minute bell rang. I smiled and shrugged, grabbing my book-bag.

"We'll just finish this conversation later," I said.
"At your place," she said. I nodded.
"Yep, my place."
"Good. Want me to walk with you to class?"
"Aren't you on the other end of the building?" I asked.
"I am but who cares. Tardies don't count today," she replied. I smiled.
"Oh yeah, that's right," I said, "sure, come with me."
"Awesome," Alice said as we walked off to the band room together.

I was beginning to think that maybe today wasn't such a bad day after all.

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