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clay really really really likes blue. clay has never had a friend like blue before. blue is so sweet and cuddly and adorable. clay just wants to rest his head in blue's arms and fall asleep there forever. is it bad to want to do that with your bestest ever friend?

clay is not sure if blue feels the same way though. sometimes blue does not respond to clay. sometimes blue just sits there in the silence with his perfect little face that clay adores. clay does not know what silence means. sometimes the lack of understanding makes clay want to cry. clay just wants blue to see him as a bestest ever friend too.

blue comes over the next day. clay is very happy about this. clay had already planned out the entire day. clay and blue are going to go to the apple tree garden. clay really really likes apples now. because blue really really likes apples.

when blue finally comes, clay is beaming with excitement. the doorbell gives a ding! and clay rushes to open the door. adorable blue is standing there with his momma. clay can't wait to go to the apple trees with blue. clay gives a quick hello and grabs blue's small hands. blue's cheeks grow rosy. they run to the apple trees hand in hand.

after you, blue || dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now