Chapter 2

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Dear Z,
Stop fussing over things that you can't control. Not everything you see, hear or touch will ever be in your control.
Sure, you can go on pretending you were its commander but we both know, you were it's receiver.

                                      • • •


I walked in the dinning room hall of the Edris household in shaky legs. I just met him and was surprised to see him so...different. He wasn't the same Z I remembered. The silent arrogant boy who I often always hated had evolved somewhere. Something had changed and I knew it had to do with the war.

No one told me that he was arriving today. Wade, my cousin brother told me in passing that Zaid was coming for his sister's wedding but never mentioned which day and instantly ice prickles collapsed in my veins when I saw him at those stairs. It gave me an unnerving surprise. Thankfully I handled it well enough.

Z and I were ... how shall I put it? Rivals? Subtle enemies of an unknown cause? I, however know the reason he hates me. It's because he managed to believe and make the entire residence believe that I am a bad influence on Adrianna. Please...that girl loves me like no other. If I were a murder suspect, she'd probably do everything in her power to keep me out of jail even if I were indeed the murderer. We are that close.

Leaning against the tall embroidered chair, I watched the tv screen in blank daze. I am slightly intrigued to find him so...big. That white naval uniform sure looked a little too tight on him. Not that I was admiring or anything, I just find it a pleasing view.

I like views which have nice appeals or even colors of depth in them. It's probably why I manage a successful art studio. I purchase pristine items with those of little significance and sell them at such high stakes, it's a miracle no one has caught on. I don't think of myself as a con man. No way! I'm way too delicate for that. I consider myself to be a...consort to unappreciative art. Which I purchase at a hefty fee and sell at a high price.

The loud crackle of lightning bursted outside and all the little ones ran up to the window to get a good look at the thundering sky. It's been frequently raining for a while. I was a little surprise to see Adrianna wanting to get married in the monsoon but she believed the rain was a spiritual symbol for renewal, fertility and change.

The light patter of rain began quietly as if it wouldn't beat down faster and harsher after. The clouds were thick and dark, covering the pale sunset sky. It was going to be a good one.

Upon hearing his voice just as he entered the dinning hall, I managed to stay as aloof as I could. From the corner of my eyes, he hugged, slapped backs and dolled out high fives to almost everyone in that jolly good big brother that he is. He was like that with everyone.

Everyone but me.

Even now, as I took him in. The dark faded jeans he wore with a dark blue polo shirt that tightly dressed his expanded chest and his muscles on his arms rippled and rolled against his bunched up sleeves. His hair was wet from the shower. He had shaved off that dark shadow and looked younger than before. He looked splendid even with the narrow trails of water leaking from his hair.

God, how I hate his guts.

When we managed to finally grow up, I had become observant and agile. It takes a keen underlying sharpness to see a painting that might actually hold a worth's fortune. I have gotten quite good at that ever since and I have noticed a few things about Z, especially.

It's a given that he always makes it a point to keep me at distance. But there are instances where even though from the outside, it may look as if he doesn't care of my existence, I have seen him always very aware of me. Wherever I may be in the room.

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