The Departure

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Riza was awake for an hour before deciding to open her eyes. She wanted to sleep another day before facing the horrible truth but life wasn't fair. She understood if she sulked up here for another couple of hours, people would hunt her down. Based on the sun's warmth, it was mid to late morning. Depending on what happened last night, certain people would be waking up soon. That would not be good, Riza needed to put herself together for the day. She was not anticipating Mark's face to greet her when she opened her eyes.

"What the hell, Mark?"

"You were sleeping in my bed."

Riza kicked him off. "My house." She retorted and swung her legs over the bed to start dressing in her armor of scrubs and her lab coat.

"Actually, I wanted to asked you about that but first. How are you doing?"

"Better." Riza lied. "I'll deal with it better on the ship. I want to do surgery and I suspect that I should take advantage of the hospital while I can. Teach Redfern. What's your question?"

"I want to buy your house, I have the papers ready. Money. And you are still more than welcome to crash here, anytime. It is still your home just not legally anymore. Sorry, there wasn't a good time to bring it up."

Riza bit her lip and nodded. "Yeah. I agree, you were more of the owner than I was in the past year." She headed over to the bathroom to wash her face and make her presentable. "I'll sign."

"You don't even know the price."

"It's probably more than fair, especially with all the work you put into it."  Riza pointed out. "Come on, I'll sign downstairs."

Downstairs was surprisingly empty, Jess was making breakfast while Mira and Lucy were enjoying coffee at the bar. "It's quiet." Riza remarked, joining the pair at the bar. Jess passed her her own cup. It was slightly worrying to not see a member of her crew in her home.

"I haven't let anyone of your crew in." Jess answered. "I turned them away after giving some of my butter rum muffins. I still turned them away."

Riza smirked over her mug at the thought. "I love you, Jess."

"I love you too." Jess hummed and set a plate of bacon pancakes topped with butter and maple syrup, grits and sunny side eggs in front of Riza with the previously mentioned Butter Rum muffin on the side. "Now, eat."

Riza grinned, her heart warmed and she dug in. She didn't deserve any of them. She signed the many papers and Mark handed her a duffle of the Beri owed. She turned to a thick envelope being shoved under her nose by Mira. "What?"

"Your part."

"My part?"

"For the articles and research. I can't put your name on anything but I can give you part of the reward money."

"I don't want your money, Mira."

"I don't need it."

"Well, I-" Riza squawked when Mira was fed up of her protests and shoved the envelope down Riza's scrub top. "Mira!" Riza smacked the envelope on Mira's shoulder and Mark snatched the money from Riza to place it in the duffle of the house money. She glared at the pair. Both glared back in victory. They had both given her a sizable amount and Riza was suspicious. "What are you trying to do?"

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