Chapter 1

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Light breaking through my eyelids was the first sign that things had gone terribly wrong. I'd set my alarm clock for 6, so unless this was a repeat of me accidentally setting it for 6 pm, rather than am, it should have already gone off. Instead of a noise that sounded akin of active construction vehicles, I was being woken up to the sound of, wait, waves?

What was that about?

My eyes quickly shot open, only to close them at the bright light. I opened my eyes more slowly this time, taking in shimmering expanse water before me, glistening in the sun as my eyes widened in shock.

"What the?" I shout, looking around wildly. 

To my left? More water. 

To my right? More water. 

Behind me? Guess what? 

More water!

Seriously, what hell was this!?!

Then disturbing thought came to mind.

If I was surrounded by water, then how was I standing right now? What in the name of all that is holy was going on here? This had to be my brain playing tricks on me, it just had to be! What other explanation could there be to it?

 I looked downwards towards my feet, hoping to find that, yes, this was, in fact, a dream....




Nope, this was real.

While I didn't get a good look at my feet, what I did see didn't, well, discourage the notion that this was just a dream. I mean, last I checked, reality didn't just decide to leave a person floating in a giant body of water. With their gender completely changed.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that? Yeah, I'm somehow a young girl now, for some reason.

I mean, I suddenly find myself floating in the middle of the ocean with no apparent explanation as to how I got here, so it shouldn't exactly at the top of the list of surprises, right?

No, your wrong. Dead wrong.

Very funny, brain. I mean, this was the type of stuff I kept that dream journal for, but this was a bit too vivid for my tastes. I didn't even have a dream journal for god's sake! 

Well, time to turn off the sun, it's way too bright for my tastes, anyway. I swung my hand in the air and nothing. Strange. Usually, I could snap myself out of a dream just by acting as if I'd turned off the lights.

But the sun still shone brightly, reflecting off the waves as I bobbed up and down in the water like a human buoy. I take a few more swipes at the imaginary light switch, before letting my hand return to my side.

Well that didn't work.


I mean, this had to be a dream, but still. I didn't want to go to work after dreaming I'd been awake the whole time. That would just be mean. That's just a really dumb type of tired when you know you shouldn't be tired, but it doesn't feel like you got any sleep at all. That kind of tired.

If this was going to be my once in a blue moon crazy dream, then what was I going to do? Stand here until my alarm clock started blaring? No, that wasn't all that appealing. Do I just start walking?

I've got nothing better to do I guess.

I swung my foot forward, only to lose my balance, falling forward, my face smacking against the waterline with a splat. Liquid flew upwards, getting into my hair with ease, but I pushed myself back up with my hands. It took a moment of flailing about to find my balance again, but I finally managed to steady myself.

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