Chapter 2

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I let out a short shuttered breath as I scanned the horizon for any stretch of land I could find.  To be honest, I probably wouldn't be able to find dry land in the dark unless I ran right into it.

Still, the silence was creeping me out. It was just so dark, so alone. All I had was the lapping of waves at my shoes, my thoughts, and sometimes that weird voice that shows up from time to time. 

Oh great, I'm already going insane!

Land spotted, port side.

My head whips around to my left, no, not my port side, my LEFT, trying to spot whatever the voice was telling me about now.

Okay, so what exactly was I supposed to be looking for, exactly? Oh right, a fat lot of nothing. What was I expecting, a star to blink into existence or something?

Turns out I should, because that's actually what happened. As I looked out over the water, a low lying star suddenly became visible. Right, superposition. There was something between me and that star, which meant some type of large structure. An island maybe? It couldn't be anything else. I banked, changing course towards the unknown location.

Land-hoe mates! I don't care if you're aggravating sand! I missed you so much!

The safety of the ground I meet you once more!

Water still lapped peacefully at my feet as I looked out across the beach and into the jungle. If I stayed but, I'd be exposed, too, well, whatever it was that was out there. At the very least, the jungle would provide me with cover, a possible food supply. But it was night-time. And it was dark.

Well, maybe these gun things might help if thing go south.

Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. Not going back into the jungle. Keep the jungle spiders. It's yours! Keep it until daytime! I'll just go find a tree to sleep under!

I glared down at my stomach as it grumbled in protest. Screw you too stomach, you ain't helping! I'm not fighting spiders the size of my face for a meal!

Also, let's hope I can get some much needed sleep!

Ow. Ow! Ow! So much much for a good night's-OW!

What the hell! Why did it feel like something was smacking my face? Ow! Damnit, there it was again! I crack open my eyes, only to find I couldn't see anything. Not even stars or the moon, just black.

So, I did what any person might do, waking up on a strange foreign island they knew nothing about, which may or may not have strange people who may or may not wish to do me harm. My fingers clutched at my face, gripping onto whatever I could, before tearing off whatever was obscuring my vision.

What I expected was to be holding some type of cloth in my hand. Not what had to be the world's largest crab. Now that was quite the shocker.

Which properly became the world's largest baseball as I reared back and threw it as far as possible, shrieking all the while. After the giant spiders, any substantially sized arthropod was too soon. Way too soon.

A rumble from my stomach reminded me of something. Most people had no problem eating crabs. Please don't tell me I just threw my first source of food into the ocean!

Tale of The Forgotten ShipTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang