A/n: Jackpot!

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Wow guys, you figured it out!

@Phantasma-san  and @kira00r you have figured it out.

Funny story, I was just finished writing chapter 7 and before I know it, it's gone from 16 comments to a whopping 38!

You found the hints, you found the clues and you figured it out!

HMS Habakkuk.

I find this one of, if not my favourite ship ,even though it was never completed, of all time.

Seriously, it's amazing how ridiculously crazy it was




It could carry up to 300 planes, 200 hundred Spitfires and 100 Mosquito Bombers, though accounts and records vary.

It would have 40 Dual-Barrelled 4.5 Inch DP(Dual-Purposed)turrets and littered with light AA guns.

Basically it would be completely immune to any sort of U-boat attack and the best part is that it could essentially regenerate, considering that all you need to do is plaster some wood pulp/sawdust and wait for it to freeze in the water.

I loved it so much because of utterly ridiculous it is and I hope that it can translate well into my story.

Either way, I love when people read my stories, because whether the love it or hate it, they read it and that's all I care about. When I see people talking to each other and doing stuff like that it makes me even more happy because people are really liking it.

I thank you for for reading this and I hope you enjoy the chapters to come

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