Chapter 6

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"So this is the repair dock?" I asked.

"Yup." Mutsuki replied.

"Woah, I've never seen this before!" Fubuki exclaimed.

"Huh?" I noted. "Are you new?"

"Yup." Fubuki answered with a nervous smile.

"Well, you two go in and check around, okay?" Mutsuki stated.

"Okay, but why just us?" I asked.

That seemed a little suspicious to be honest.

"Well, me and Yuudachi will watch, just in case something happens." Mutsuki answered with a small smile, with Yuudachi nodding with a strange smile.

It was a smile that couldn't be trusted.

But hey I don't know these people so I guess I'll trust them for now.

"Woah, this is a cool changing room." I commented as I looked around.

I mean, I don't think I should really be in here, I was a boy after all, but now I'm a girl and this just feels weird.

As I looked around with Fubuki, I noticed a weighing scale with a disk with numbers 10-100 but what confused me was what it was measuring in.

Kt? What the hell was kt?

Oh well.

"Akagi's nowhere in sight." Fubuki groaned.

"It sounds like you admire this Akagi person a lot." I stated.

"Yeah, she's so cool!" Fubuki exclaimed with stars in her eyes.

"Okay, so-" I was cut off however as we heard the door slide open to reveal a blonde haired woman with nothing but a towel covering her looking down at us.

"Oh, are you two injured." She asked worriedly as she looked down to me.

"U-m, I-I don't-" Again, I was cut off.

"You do look a little red in the nose."

Yeah, because you're embarrassing me woman! You just pop up half naked and zoom to me with worry and stuff like that and it's freaky!

"You should get in the bath." She stated.

Huh, what bath?

"Okay, say banzai." She exclaimed.


Why was she asking me to say that.

"C'mon, say banzai!" She exclaimed once more as she motioned for me to put my arms up.

"Okay? erm-" I began unsurely. "Banzai?"

Before I could do anythnig else, she somehow, somehow managed to take all of my upper clothes off, including the cool coat  and strangely not that hat.

"Ah, what are you doing!?" I squealed, trying to cover myself.

"Time for the rest!" The blonde cheered happily as I scrambled to get away.

"No! G-get away!" I yelled frantically.

"Banzai on the bottom too!"

"Heck no!"

I swear I could hear Mutsuki and Yuudachi giggling and talking but I was to fearful of the creepy lady chasing me.

"Got you!"

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