Chapter 10

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im reposting this cause i named it wrong lol 

The entire group of friends unpacked Ross' belongings, returning them to their rightful places within his old apartment. Everyone was there except for Ross; they planned on surprising him by unpacking for him. The whole thing was Monica's idea. She could kill two birds with one stone: help her brother get settled into his apartment while getting a chance to organize his possessions.

Just then, the sound of keys in the lock filled the apartment. All of them stopped to watch Ross enter.

"Welcome home!" Phoebe exclaimed, causing Ross to jump in a startled manner.

"W-what are you doing?" Ross asked as he tried to catch his breath.

"We're unpacking," Chandler stated in a very unenthusiastic tone.

"Well, thanks," Ross responded as he took off his jacket.

When he scanned the apartment, his eyes found the person he wanted to see most. Rachel stood in his living room her sleeves rolled up, a box by her side. But she was not alone, beside her stood a young boy - Ross immediately knew it was Cameron.

When Rachel's looked up to meet Ross' gaze she smiled. Then she whispered something to the little boy before taking his hand. The two of them walked across the apartment towards Ross.

Ross' heart pounded in his chest as they came closer. It had been such a long time since he'd seen Cameron he'd forgotten what he looked like.

"Ross, I'd like you to officially meet Cameron," Rachel introduced before turning to her son. "Cam, say hello to your Uncle Ross," she told him sweetly. Cameron studied Ross timidly before a slight smile crossed his face.

"Hi, Uncle Ross," Cameron greeted shyly.

"Hello Cameron, it's nice to finally talk to you. Last time I saw you, you were only a baby," Ross stated, bending down to the little boy's height. "I like your shirt," Ross complemented, being friendly.

"Mommy told me to wear it because it has a dinosaur on it and you like dinosaurs," Cameron explained to Ross.

"Do you like dinosaurs?" Ross asked, continuing to stay at Cameron's height.

"He does," Rachel answered on behalf of her shy son.

"In that case I'd like to give you something," Ross told Cameron, before he stood up and found the box he was looking for. Ross reached inside and pulled out what looked like a rock.

"A fossil," Cameron commented when Ross returned, he stared at it in awe.

"Yes, that's right. You can have it," Ross stated, handing the fossil to Cameron's small hands.

"Thank you," Cameron said. Then he sat on the couch to study the fossil carefully.

"Thanks Ross," Rachel said, when the two were left alone.

"It's not a problem," Ross said with a shrug.

"I think you two are going to get along great," Rachel commented as she watched her son examine the fossil from every angle.


The group was finally finished unpacking and they all sat around Ross' living room, relaxing.

"So how much have I missed?" Ross asked to fill a moment of silence.

"Well, Chandler and I are dating," Monica admitted carefully.

"You're what? Why didn't you tell me?" Ross exclaimed, angrily glaring directly at Chandler.

"Oh calm down Ross. It's only been a few months and we wanted it to be a surprise," Monica explained. Ross calmed down swiftly, figuring his sister couldn't be with a better guy.

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